Labornet Japan is a network of citizens, unionists, activists, scholars and others from all walks of life to share information especially about rights and struggles in and outside of Japan. Established in 2001, the group now has more than 600 members, and the membership is growing. The English site introduces some reports shared on Labornet Japan website and other sources outside of Japan.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Cries for No Nukes prevail as 9,200 gather at TEPCO stockholders meeting
A general meeting of Stockholders of TEPCO was held on June 28 at the Park Tower Tokyo Hotel in Shiba-kouen, Tokyo. The meeting started at 10am, but the vicinity was crowded from 9am with queueing stockholders, news reporters, and security guards. A record high of 9,200 stockholders attended the meeting; the utility company had to prepare four more meeting rooms to accommodate them. Many stockholders raised their voices to ask each director to take responsibility for the nuclear accident. Insincere answers from the directors were greeted with roars of anger. 402 stockholders put forward a motion to abandon nuclear power which was well received from the floor, with an overwhelming cry of “No Nukes!” when the motion was voted. The chair, Katsumata, ruled that the motion failed, stating that he had letters of attorney from two major stockholders. The exceptionally long meeting -- well over 6 hours -- made clear that support for “no nukes” was spreading among the general investors. (M)
Ustream: Appeal action from Fukushima by MATSUMOTO ChiePhoto: Greenpeace at the meeting of stockholders
6月28日午前10時より、東京・芝公園のパークタワー東京ホテルで、東京電力株主総会が開かれた。公園周辺は、9時すぎから株主の行列と多数のメディアの取材、警備などでごったがえした。過去最高の9200人の株主が入場したため、メイン会場(3000人)以外に4つの会場が用意された。総会では、取締役一人ひとりに事故の責任を問う発言がつづき、不誠実な会社答弁に対しては、しばしば怒号が起きた。402名の株主から提案された「原発からの撤退」(定款変更)は、一般株主の反応は非常によく採決時も「脱原発」の声が会場を圧倒したものの、勝俣議長は大株主2通の委任状を盾に否決した。6時間をこえる異例の東電株主総会は、一般投資家の中に「脱原発」が広がっていることをはっきりと示した。(M) 報告(松元ちえ)・福島からのアピール行動(ユースト録画) *写真=会場前で「最悪の汚染企業TEPCO」と訴えるグリーンピース
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