Thursday, August 23, 2012

1,000 Rally against Osprey Deployment; Prof. TAKAHASHI Tetsuya give a lecture

The Tokyo Metropolitan Area Rally against the Deployment of Ospreys was held on August 5 at the Japan Education Center in central Tokyo with 1,000 participants. The rally was originally planned as a solidarity action with the mass protest planned in Okinawa for the day. Although the Okinawa rally was postponed due to a typhoon, the organizer of the metropolitan one went ahead with the plan, considering that raising voices in the capital was necessary. Models of a crashing Osprey and a dugong with "No Ospreys" written on it were displayed on the stage. Prof. TAKAHASHI Tetsuya, a philosopher and a peace activist, gave the keynote lecture. "There is a structure of discrimination against Okinawa under which the people there are forced to make an overwhelming sacrifice. Keeping silent about this structure means acting in favor of the discrimination. Let's voice our objection to the deployment of Ospreys as we do regarding the restart of nuclear reactors. Let's raise our voices in Tokyo to change the policy of the central government," he said. (By OZAWA Kuniko) Original report with photos  Photos by shinya


85日(日)東京・日本教育会館で、オスプレイの配備に反対する首都圏集会が開かれ、1000人が参加しました。当初「10万人沖縄県民大会と同時アクション!」として設定されたのですが、沖縄は台風の影響で延期。しかし首都圏で声を上げることが必要だと開催されました。 壇上には墜落するオスプレイの模型と、オスプレイ反対のジュゴンがかざられました。高橋哲哉さんが問題提起を行いました。「沖縄に圧倒的な犠牲が押しつけられる構造的な沖縄差別がある。沈黙は差別を容認することになる。今こそ、原発再稼働に反対するのと同じように、オスプレイ配備に反対する声を上げていこう。東京の政権を変えるために、声を上げよう」と話しました。 (尾澤邦子) 報告写真(shinya

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