Wednesday, February 24, 2016

We must stop our government, corporations to work as “Merchants of Death” ~ NAJAT director appeals on Labornet TV

SUGIHARA Koji, who launched “Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT),” pointed out how quickly things are happening ever since the Abe administration lifted a ban on arms export. He alarmed people by disclosing the truth on Feb. 10 on Labornet TV. He revealed that 90 percent of the people who were killed by drone strikes in Afghan were not supposed to be the targets. It is the Japanese government and mega corporations that take part in acts of war like that.
 “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is special,” he said. “But the companies, which do not look like arms industries, are putting their hands in them. I want to expose them.”
 Sugiara named four names, such as Mitsubishi Electric, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Fujitsu, and Toshiba. He said NAJAT plans to launch a campaign. Mitsubishi Electric has gained exclusive contract to build “reconnaissance spy aircraft” and is pushing ahead with militarization of space. Now what the Japanese government is pushing for is the export of submarines to Australia. It will be a giant project of 4 trillion yen in total. “Should we allow the Japanese government to work as a merchant of death? We should start peace industries,” Sugihara appealed. “Raise your voice against such corporations.” (By M)
 video (the feature starts at 22minites),  *photo right=SUGIHARA Koji speaks out.

 知 らないうちにここまで来たのか! 安倍政権が武器輸出を解禁してから急ピッチで事態は進んでいた。「武器輸出反対ネットワーク」を立ち上げた杉原浩司さんは、210日のレイバーネット TVで、実態を暴露し警告を鳴らした。ドローンの無人機攻撃でアフガンなどで殺されている9割は、ターゲットではなく「別人」という現実。そんな戦争行為 に加担していくのが日本政府と大企業だ。「三菱重工は別格だが、一見軍事産業に見えない企業が手を染めている。それを“見える化”したい」と上げたのは、 三菱電機・川崎重工・富士通・東芝の4つで、今後キャンペーンを展開するという。三菱電機は「スパイ偵察衛星」を独占受注し、宇宙の軍事化を推進してい る。いま国をあげて商談を進めているのがオーストラリアへの潜水艦輸出。トータル4兆円の巨大プロジェクトだ。「死の商人の国になっていいのか。平和産業 こそ起こすべき。企業に対して声を上げていこう」と杉原さんは呼びかけた。(M

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