Tuesday, July 19, 2016

No more workplace abuses or sexual harassment! – Seven female taxi office workers form a union

Seven female staff members of the Tokyo Branch of the Greater Tokyo Privately-Owned Taxi Co-operative Society, which has approximately 440 members of privately-owned taxi drivers in Sumida Ward, Tokyo, formed a trade union to demand the repeal of its board members’ abusive and sexually-harassing comments and the regularization of part-time employees. The name of the union is the “New Tokyo Local of the Privately-Owned Taxi Co-operative Society, the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu”. The union was formed in protest against the board members’ abusive behavior on some female staff members or spread of groundless rumors of sexual impropriety about them. Some of them were unilaterally relegated with a reduction in monthly allowance by 30,000 Japanese yen (300 US dollars) without an opportunity for explanation being given, and some others were forced to quit the office due to the management’s pressure based on an anonymous document. There have been many other problems at the workplace, such as the reduction in wage increase for fixed-term employees without their consent, the unlawful failure to pay extra for overtime, and extra work for the new-year party and the general assembly without overtime pay. (SUDA Mitsuteru, National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu) Video (14 minutes)


東京・墨田の個人タクシー乗務員らでつくる「東京都個人タクシー協同組合新東 京支部」(支部員約440人)で雇用されている女性職員7人が、一部役員による パワハラ・セクハラ発言の撤回やパート職員の正規職員化などを求めて労働組合 を結成しました。労組の名称は「全国一般東京東部労組個人タクシー協同組合新 東京支部」。結成のきっかけは、職員が一部役員から怒鳴られたり、事実無根の 性的な話を流されたりしたことなどへの不満です。弁明の機会も与えられず一方 
的に降格されて月の手当3万円をカットされたり、怪文書をもとに責め立てられ て退職に追い込まれたりした職員もいました。他にも嘱託職員の昇給額が勝手に 減額されたこと、残業代が違法に与えられなかったこと、新年会や総会時に無償 労働を強いられていることなど、労働環境に多くの問題がありました。(東部労 組書記長・須田光照) 動画(14分)

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