Sunday, November 5, 2017

Labornet TV Broadcast: A Look Back at Japan’s 2017 Election

The drama of this year’s snap election of the Lower House—which seemed to exemplify the saying, “in politics, no one knows what the future holds”—has ended. The day after the results came in, newspapers were plastered with headlines reading “Ruling Bloc Secures Over 300 Seats, Prime Minister Remains in Office.” At the same time, however, the rise of the newly formed Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) was widely reported in the media. After securing her seat, TSUJIMOTO Kiyomi surmised about CDP’s success in an interview with NHK: “Our message that politics exists to prevent war has resonated with a wide range of constituents who have led us to victory.” To vote for Kibo no To (Party of Hope) meant greenlighting security reforms—“war laws”—and therefore pushing Japan towards a country that could wage war. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) took advantage of the tensions with North Korea to garner support while pushing the Kake Gakuen and Moritomo Gakuen scandals under the rug. Perhaps the major point of contention that underlay this year’s election was whether Japan will become a country that could wage war, or hold onto its pacifism by protecting Article 9 of the constitution. On October 25th, Labornet TV hosted a live discussion program through the night on what the election results entail and where to go from here. (TV project)

レイバーネットTV放送 : 総選挙を総括!みんなでディスカッション

「政治は一寸先は闇」という言葉を地でいった「2017総選挙」のドラマが終わった。開票翌日の新聞には「自公300議席超へ 首相続投」の大見出しが躍る。しかし同時に「立憲民主 躍進」が大きく報じられた。当選確実にした辻元清美氏はNHKのインタビューに「政治は戦争をさせないためにあると訴え、多くの皆さんの輪が広がり、そして当選をさせていただいた」と勝因を分析した。希望の党の踏み絵はまさに「安保法制=戦争法の容認」で「戦争できる国」をめざすものだった。自民党はモリカケを隠し北朝鮮問題を使って支持を伸ばした。今回の総選挙の底流に流れていた大争点は、じつは日本を「戦争できる国」にするのか、9条を守って「戦争しない国」を堅持するのかの、せめぎ合いだったのではないか。25日のレイバーネットTVは「夜生ディスカッション」形式で、あなたは総選挙をどうみるか、これからどうしていったらいいのか。大いにディスカッションしました。(TVプロジェクト) 

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