Friday, January 11, 2013

Settlement for the Canon Disguised Contracting and Unlawful Dismissal Case: Two Union Members Gain Regular Employment

The union organized by non-regular workers of Canon Inc. reached an agreement on December 20 with the camera manufacturer to settle the suit between the two out of court. The settlement was mediated by the Tokyo Labor Relations Commission. Based on the settlement agreement, the union, its five members involved in the case and Canon disclosed that Canon Inc. will 1. hire two members of the union as regular employees in its affiliated company and 2. seriously take the administrative guidance issued by Tochigi Prefectural Labor Director on September 12, 2007, that ordered to take corrective measures with the unlawful subcontracting then practiced at its optical equipment factory located in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture and continue to make efforts to prevent recurrence of any similar incidents. (Based on the statement issued by Canon Non-Regular Workers Union on December 21, 2012)
 * Photo: The plaintiffs and lawyers in the press conference
1220日、東京都労働委員会において、キヤノン非正規労働者組合とキヤノン株式会社との間で和解が成立した。この和解においてキヤノン非正規労働者組合、 組合員5名、キヤノン株式会社は以下の内容を開示することについて合意した。
・キヤノン株式会社はキヤノンの関連会社においてキヤノン非正規労働者組合の 組合員2名を正社員として雇用する。
・また、キヤノン宇都宮光学機器事業所宇都宮光機第一工場光学製造部製造第二課第2ブロック(当時)における構内請負 について、平成19912日付で栃木労働局長より、労働者派遣法違反が存する旨の是正指導を受けたことを真撃に受けとめ、今後は同様の指導等を受ける ことのないよう、再発防止に向けた不断の取組を継続する。(12/21組合側声明)
 全文阿久津真一さんの談話 *写真=12/21厚労省記者会見(当該と弁護団)
On December 27, the plaintiffs dropped the case that they filed with Tokyo District Court in 2009. In the press conference held at the reporters club in the courthouse, AKUTSU Shin'ichi (photo) reviewed their struggle. "It has been six years and two months since we formed the union and three years and four months since we were fired. All the time, we had sought for an opportunity to have honest talks with Canon, but, unfortunately, the company had never acted sincerely, which prolonged our struggle . Thanks to the support by many people and the efforts of our lawyers, the case has finally been settled in favor of us. Since the Supreme Court's unjust ruling for the case of disguised contracting by Matsushita Plasma Display in 2009, temporary workers involved in similar unlawful labor practices have lost hope in judiciary remedies. They have been deprived of any means to fight against employers. We truly hope that our success will encourage others in similar circumstances to raise their voices against any violations of workers rights, " he said. (By KUISAKO Ryuta) 
Video ofLabornet TV program reporting on the case (0:44 onward)

キ ヤノン偽装請負・雇い止め解雇争議の勝利和解に基づいて、1227日原告側は東京地裁で訴えを取り下げた。
その後、弁護団と当該による会見が司法記者ク ラブで行われた。原告の一人・阿久津真一さん(写真)はこう語る。 「組合をつくってから62ヶ月、解雇されてから34ヶ月、私たちは常にキヤノンに対 して真摯に話し合うよう申し込んできたが、残念ながら話し合いがされないまま、事件は長期化した。その中で、多くのみなさんのご支援をいただき、弁護団の 尽力もあり、この1220日、キヤノンと和解を取り交わすことができた。 松下PDPの最高裁不当判決以降、『偽装請負・違法派遣では訴訟すら起こせな い。違法があっても声すら上げられない』という状況にある中で、『ダメなものはダメだ』と労働者が声を上げられる・・・。私たちの解決がそういう解決にな るよう本当に願っている」。(杭迫隆太) 報告レイバーネットTVアーカイブ(キヤノン争議・44分から)

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