Friday, January 11, 2013

The Last Friday Anti-Nukes Demonstration and the Tent Ustreaming Program of 2012

The weekly anti-nukes demonstration in the vicinity of the Prime Minister's Office took place on 28 December, the last Friday of 2012. Many people gathered in the rain to express their opposition to restart of idle reactors and desire for the nuclear-free society. (The sign in the center of the photo says "Let's regain the country with no nuclear reactors!") SUGAI Masuo of the Association of Tokyo Residents against Kashiwazaki and Maki Nuclear Power Plants spoke in the rally, quoting the words of KUROKAWA Kiyoshi, the chairperson of the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission, "The disaster of the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant is not over yet."  "I doubt that Prime Minister Abe has read the report of the commission that was established with a resolution by the Diet. His administration should not take any moves before the ministers study the report thoroughly. In the report, Chairperson Kurokawa says that the lessons of the disaster must be seriously reflected to prevent recurrence, by quoting ASAKAWA Kan'ichi, a great scholar born in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima. All the Diet members must read the report carefully and make the full use of it."  (Shinya) 
Photos Video by Hirohiko Takasu (without subtitles)

1228日、今年最後の官邸前金曜デモがあった。 雨にもかかわらず多くの人が集まり、「再稼働反対」「原発ゼロ」を訴えた。「取 り戻そう原発ゼロの国」のプラカードが目立つ。マイク を握った菅井益郎さん(柏崎・巻原発に反対する在京者の会)は、「福島原発事故は終わっていない」という黒川清国会事故調査委員長の言葉を引用し、「安倍 さんは国会で決議してつくられた『国会事故調査委員会報告書』をちゃんと読んでいるか。しっかり読んでから対応すべきだ。国会事故調委員長の黒川清さん は、福島の生んだ世界の大学者、二本松出身の朝河貫一を引いて、福島原発事故を反省して二度とこうした事故を起こさぬようにと書いているが、国会議員は しっかり読んで活用すべきだ」と訴えた。 (Shinya)

At the Occupy tent in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a 'tentcolor' ustream program was aired from 4 p.m. the same day. First, MARUKO Yasuko, MIYAKE Yukiko and HASHIMOTO Kumi who run unsuccessfully in the  Lower House election reveiwed the election, followed by the discussion by tent members. FUCHIGAMI Taro, the representative, and other leading members including SHIINA Chieko and FURODA Setsuko of Fukushima Women Against Nukes reflected back on the 474-day protest since the establishment of the tent in September 2011.  "Election is just one way to express our political will. Many other means are still left with us. We are never let down with the election result. We will defend our tents by all means to continue our struggle." said KURODA. In the end of the program, Johnny H sang a song that satirizes ISHIHARA Nobuteru, the Environment and Nuclear Affairs Minister of the new cabinet and the eldest son of the former Tokyo governor. After the program, a gathering was held to commemorate four tent members who passed away during the year. More than 100 people came despite relatively hard rain to observe a moment of silence in front of the photos of the deceased, refreshing their commitment to continued struggle against the nukes. (M) 
Photos Video of 'tentocolor' program of December 28 (withoutsubtitles) 
 * Photo: FUCHIGAMI Taro, the tent representative delivering a speech at the memorial gathering 

経産省前テントひろばでは、午後4時から「あおぞら放送」があり、脱原発派の立候補者(丸子安 子・三宅雪子・橋本久美の各氏で今回落選)による「総選挙振り返り」があった。 また「原発いらない福島の女たち」の椎名千恵子さん・黒田節子さんやテント 代表・渕上太郎さんらが出演し、テント474日を振り返った。黒田さんは「たたかいは選挙だけでない。くじけない。やることは一杯ある。テントをつぶされ ないためにも頑張ろう」と檄を飛ばした。ジョニーHは石原伸晃に捧げる替え歌「ひよっちゃうな」を歌い、喝采を浴びた。午後5時すぎからは、100人以上 がテント前に集まり、今年亡くなった4人のテント仲間を追悼した。降りしきる雨のなか、参加者は遺影の前で黙祷し、「脱原発」への決意を新たにした。(M) 



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