Thursday, January 24, 2013

The 2nd New Year’s Day Marathon around the METI – The struggle continues: Anti-nuke tent

On the warm and sunny New Year’s Day, the 2nd New Year’s Day Marathon around the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) was held. 15 persons including members and supporters of the anti-nuke tent in front of the ministry joined the event.  N ran the longest distance of about 30km (19 miles) with 33 laps in three hours from 11am, followed by K who also participated in this last year with 25 laps (20km, or 13 miles) and M with 15 laps. The marathon was also joined by Fuchigami, the leader of the tent, T, a tent staff, and O who walked rather than running with two laps. All the runners and supporters enjoyed special New Year food, such as amazake (traditional sweet, non-alcohol Japanese drink made from fermented rice), tonjiru miso soup with pork, vegetables and rice cakes, and shiruko sweet red-bean drink, and swore to continue the tent until all the nuclear power plants in Japan are decommissioned. (TAKAHASHI Shuzo)


例年より暖かく、快晴の元日、第2回経産省周回マラソンが開催されました。今年の特徴は、事前宣伝が広がり4名のテント支援者からの参加申し込みと、前日からの泊り込み支援者を含め、15名の参加者でした。11時のスタートから終了までの3時間、14時まで33周の約30kmを走りきったNさんを最高周に、 昨年も参加のKさんが20kmを超える25周、KAさんが20周、女性参加のMさんが15周と、ハイレベルの参加者に渕上テント長や事務方TさんやO君の2周(ほぼ歩き)ランナーも加わり 、大変盛りあがったマラソンでした。終了後は、甘酒・餅入り豚汁に差し入れのお汁粉を参加者や応援者皆で御馳走になり、今年も全原発が稼働中止まで経済省前テントを死守していくことを語り合いました。(高橋秀三)

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