Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Landmark Victory in Labour Dispute Against Toyota: 75% Wage Rise Guaranteed

Toyota factory workers in the north of France were striking from April 6th. From April 16th until April 20th, the factory was closed for the first since the opening of the plant. Workers demanded that they be paid 100 % of their wages during temporary factory closures due to reduced manufacturing. They were being offered 60% of wages before the strike. In response to various pressures put on against the labour movement through the Toyota-management style, strikes at Toyota France intensified to the extent of cutting off production line. This is a significant development. The factory was reopened on April 20th, when management made major concessions to the union’s demands such as workers receiving 75% of their wages during temporary closures, paying the withheld wages during the strike, and not penalising union. In disputes against Toyota, this victory is a landmark. Photo of Toyota France on strike (Report written by Takahata Yuuki, “A window into Paris 2”.


 4月6日からストが始まったフランス北部のトヨタの工場では、16日の晩から20日まで開業以来初の工場封鎖が行われた。製造減少に伴う一時的休業の際、60%ではなく100%の賃金を払えという要求だ。トヨタ式経営をフランスにもちこみ、労働運動に対してさまざまな圧力をかけてきたフランスのトヨタで、生産ラインを断ち切るほどのストが起きたことは注目に値する。そして20日、一時的休業の賃金75%を延べ払いにする、スト時の賃金カットも分散化する、組合員を罰しないなど、指導陣が組合側の要求にかなり歩み寄ったために工場の封鎖は解かれた。トヨタ相手の労働争議としては画期的な勝利と言えるかもしれない。 *写真=スト中のフランストヨタ (飛幡祐規・パリの窓から2

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