On May 31, 2011, the Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo District Court gave a decision on unpaid overtime money and compensation for sickness caused by working long hours for SHIMIZU Fumiyoshi, who was working for SHOP 99, a large convenience store chain. Mr. Shimizu worked for longer than 80 hours from August 7 to 10, 2006 when he was a manager of a store of the chain. He also had to work for 37 consecutive days. Such hard work made him depressed and forced to be absent. The judgment was to order the management of the chain to pay him overtime charges and to grant damages for the overwork, which were approximately 1,640,000 yen, or 20,000 dollars in total. SHOP 99 is now expanding as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lawson, a bigger convenience store chain. It is time to change ways of working of managers and owners of convenience stores into more humane ones. (YAMADA Shingo, Tokyo Young Contingent Workers' Union) – Video (Collective bargaining at SHOP 99) * Photo: After the decision (Mr. Shimizu is in the center)
大手コンビニSHOP99(株式会社九九プラス)で勤務していた清水文美さんの残業代未払いならびに長時間労働による過労で労災になった件の損害賠償裁判の判決が5月31日、東京地裁立川支部で言い渡されました。清水さんは、SHOP99店長として勤務していた06年8月7日から10日にかけてはタイムカード上で合計80時間以上の勤務をしていた。また37日間連続勤務をし、その結果うつ状態になり休職をしました。今回の判決で、会社に対し残業代を支払い、長時間労働による過労への損害賠償を認めました(約164万円の支払い)。SHOP99は現在ローソン株式会社の完全子会社になり、ますます規模が拡大しています。どこの街にもあるコンビニの店長の働き方を変え、人間らしい労働を作っていきましょう。(首都圏青年ユニオン・山田真吾) ・動画(SHOP99団交ビデオ) *写真=判決後の記念撮影(中央が清水さん)