Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Anti-Nukes Activists Defiant as Eviction Threatens Occupy Tents at Economy Ministry

The government filed a suit with Tokyo District Court, demanding two leading members of the anti-nukes tents in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry       to clear the land and leave. FUCHIGAMI Taro (right in the photo) and MASAKIYO Taichi (left) have been identified by the government as the owners of the tents and demanded, in addition to the clearance, payment of eleven million yen for the use of the land. Following the receipt of the complaint on April 6, the tent members held a press conference on April 10. "The government accuses us of unlawfully occupying state-owned land, but it is the government who has been behaving grossly unlawfully since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima," they told 50 audience including reporters and tent supporters. "We do not own the tents. They are owned jointly by many people living in Japan and abroad who desire nuclear-free world." "The occupy-style protest is a manifestation of the people's sovereignty." They announced that they would file a suit against the national government and call it the case to defend the anti-nukes tents and people's lives. "We will never leave by ourselves. Join our fight to defend the tents, the symbol of the anti-nukes movement," said Fuchigami, the representative of the tent members. (By M)  Photos  Video by Labornet TV (remark by one of the tent members, no subtitles)  Full recording of the press conference (by UPLAN, no subtitles)  

In the evening of April 12, several hundred of people gathered in front of the main entrance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to protest the lawsuit filed by the government. KAMATA Satoshi (right in the photo), a reportage writer and leading anti-nuclear activist, made a speech addressed to the minister and officials of the ministry. "Listen. Do you think it is right to bring innocent citizens of this country to the court? They are raising voice to correct the wrong policies of the national government. The people have a constitutional right to do so. We are the best and most prudent people who are struggling by exerting the rights given to us by the law. You have filed a suit against two of us, even demanding money from them. But it is you, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, who owe us a huge amount of money to be paid for enormous damages caused by the disaster in Fukushima. Who contaminated the sea, the mountains, the rivers, the air and the water of Japan? Are you not the ones who are liable for the damages? Who will take the responsibility for promoting nuclear development? We will never ever allow you to pursue such a lawsuit, an absolute nonsense." The audience expressed their agreement aloud. (By M)  Photos of the rally  Video by Labornet TV (Kamata's speech, no subtitles)  Photos of the rally and the one in front of the prime minister's office (by Shinya) 


「経産省前テントを撤去しろ」と国は東京地裁に提訴、その訴状が占有者とされた渕上太郎・正清(まさきよ)太一の両氏に4月6日送りつけられた。訴状では「明け渡し」と「1100万円の土地使用料相当損害金」の請求まで付いていた。これに対し、4月10日午後、テントひろばで緊急記者会見が開かれた。50人に及ぶメディアと支援者が集まった。テント側は「不法だというが原発事故の後始末もしないで大きな不法を行っているのは国の方ではないか」「このテントは二人の占有物ではない。脱原発を願う多くの国民・外国人の思いを反映した占有物だ」「この行動は国民主権のあたりまえの権利」などと発言。国を逆に提訴し、「脱原発テントと命を守る裁判」を開始すると発表した。また渕上テント代表は「自らテントをたたむことは絶対にない。みんなで脱原発のシンボルを守り抜こう」と訴えた。 (M) 写真速報・テント抗議声明(4/8付)・動画(LNTV 江田氏の発言など5分)動画(UPLAN 全記録90分)・TBSニュース・47NEWS *写真=「テントはわれら二人の占有物にあらず」渕上太郎さん(右)と正清太一さん(左)

国民には国の間違いを正す権利がある!~鎌田慧さん 経産省前で怒りのアピール

 その人達を国は訴え、お金まで請求している。膨大なお金を請求しなくてはならないのはあなたたち経産省ではないのか。  日本の海・山・川・空気・水、それを汚したのは誰なのだ。その補償をしないのか。原発を推進した責任は誰がとるのだ。こんなデタラメな裁判は絶対に許さない」。鎌田さんの呼びかけに聴衆からは「そうだ、そうだ」の声が湧き起こった。(M) 写真速報動画(LNTV 鎌田慧さんの訴え)写真報告「経産省前と官邸前行動」(Shinya)

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