Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Exporting Nuclear Reactors Is Invasion! - Protest against Accords with Turkey and UAE

Some 40 people opposing export of nuclear reactors by Japan staged a protest in front of the Upper House Members' Office Building in the evening of April 11. The accord agreed with Turkey and the United Arab Emirates on exporting nuclear reactors to these countries were debated on in the House of Councilors that day after the approval by the House of Representatives on April 4.  (The upper house passed the accords on April 18.) The Abe administration is keen to sell nuclear reactors abroad while the causes of the Fukushima Daiichi plant were yet to be determined and radioactive contamination from the crippled plant is expanding farther into the Pacific Ocean and the air.  The protesters demanded that the administration refrain from clearing the accords in the upper house forcefully, condemning export of nuclear reactors as a form of invasion.  In the rally, a letter from the Turkish Anti-Nuclear League, a coalition of nearly 100 civic associations, requesting Diet members to oppose to the accord with Turkey was read out.(OZAWA Kuniko)
Photo: The sign says “Export of nuclear reactors is invasion. No to nuclear accords.”

11日(金)夜、参議院議員会館前に集まった約40名は、日本の原発輸出に反対し、声を上げた。福島原発事故後、日本が署名したトルコおよびアラブ首長 国連邦(UAE)との原子力協定 が、44日、 衆議院を通過し、参議院に送られた。いまだ原発事故の原因を解明できず、 海に放射能を流し、世界に放射能汚染を拡散させながら原発を輸出しようとする安倍政権 。「原発輸出は侵略だ!参議院での採決強行を許さない!原子力協定を批准するな!」と声を上げた。集会では、トルコの100団体近くの市民団体が加盟する トルコ反原発同盟が、日本の国会議員に宛てて送ったトルコとの原子力協定に反対することを求める手紙が紹介された。(尾澤邦子) 報告4.15参議院前座り込み&アピール

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