On March 14, Some 45 people gathered at Labornet Annual General Meeting 2010 at Tokyo’s Doutouch. Satoshi Tokairin, journalist at Japan’s daily Mainichi Shimbun (photo center), gave a special lecture on “Intro to reporting.” “You can write whatever you think is important as your opinion on rallies even if it differs from other news reports. To make your stories not simply ‘reports’ but “journalism,” you have to focus on events perceived with your own eyes.” “What’s happening is what’s important. Try to be sympathetic to the cause.” “Try to catch lively expressions.” These were his messages. He also told of mishaps and stories behind the scenes as he is a professional journalist. The attendees were glue to his stories. After the lecture, participants discussed mainly Labornet TV. There were more young people at the meeting this year, and they offered vital opinions. Nearly 30 people stayed on for the party afterwards. (By M)