Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Court orders Hankyu Travel Support make overtime payment, approves overtime work

The Tokyo District Court handed down a ruling on Sept. 29 that Hankyu Travel Support (HTS) make overtime payment to its travel agents. The six plaintiffs, who filed the lawsuit in May 2008, claimed that the company failed to calculate the overtime hours because of the nature of their work and demanded it pay overtime hours for the past two years. HTS claimed that overtime hours were counted in their required work hours and overtime pay in their salary. The judge, Kazuhiro Murata, ordered the company pay all six plaintiffs their overtime hours and the same amount of fines as the overtime payment. However, the judge approved of the company’s claim that salaries include overtime hours. By Sugano of NUGW Tokyo Tobu. Photo: Plaintiffs at the press conference after the verdict.

9月29日、添乗員「偽装みなし労働」撤廃を求める不払い残業代請求訴訟の判決がありました。この裁判は、東部労組HTS支部の組合員6名が2008年5月、阪急トラベルサポートを相手に、「偽装みなし労働」の是非を問うために提起し、過去2年分の不払い残業代を請求したものです。HTS支部、本部スタッフ、東部労組各支部、支援の仲間が法廷を埋め尽くす中、東京地裁民事19部・村田一広裁判官は判決主文において、被告阪急トラベルサポートに対し原告6名それぞれに不払い残業代、およびそれと同額の「付加金」(ペナルティ)の支払いを命じました。しかし、一方判決文において、村田裁判官は「偽装みなし労働」の適用を認めたのです。(東部労組・菅野) *写真=判決後の記者会見

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