Thursday, December 15, 2011

Celebrities Appeal against the Education Ordinance by Osaka Restoration Association

Celebrities including academics, authors and actors issued an appeal in November 2011, expressing their objection to the draft Fundamental Ordinance of Education that has been proposed to the Osaka prefectural assembly by the ruling party, Osaka Restoration Association. They are concerned that the proposed ordinance would impose a serious problem not only on the Osaka Prefecture but also on the whole nation. The appeal was originally called for by Ms. Kayoko Ikeda, Prof. Shogo Ichikawa, Prof. Naoki Ogi, Prof. Masatoshi Onoda, Prof. Yoichi Komori, Prof. Manabu Sato, Prof. Tetsuya Takahashi, Ms. Keiko Takeshita, Prof. Masaaki Noda and Prof. Hidenori Fujita. Supporters include Mr. Jiro Asada, Mr. Takashi Atoda, Prof. Takeshi Umehara, Mr. Yoichi Sai, Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto, Mr. Ryotaro Sugi and Ms. Kaoru Takamura.
The Appeal against the Fundamental Ordinance of Education of Osaka Prefecture


研究者・俳優など著名人が「大阪維新の会」が大阪府議会に提案している教育基本条例案について、大阪にとどまらず日本社会全体にとって見過ごせない問題であるして反対アピールを発表した。呼びかけ人は、池田香代子・市川昭午・尾木直樹・小野田正利・小森陽一・佐藤学・高橋哲哉・竹下景子・野田正彰・藤田英典の各氏。賛同者として、浅田次郎・阿刀田高・梅原猛・崔洋一・坂本義和・杉良太郎・高村薫の各氏などが名を連ねている。 「大阪教育基本条例反対アピール運動」