Monday, May 7, 2012

Announcement for the Christian May Day For Decent Work and Life

The tenth Christian May Day will be held on April 30th at Nicolabarre Hall in Yotsuya, Tokyo. This year’s May Day will feature contingent, fixed-term job, mainly took on by women workers . More than on thirds of the total work force is contingent, fixed term work such as part-time, contract, agency job and the present number of these workers is 17 million, but is going to reach 20 million in the near future. More than half of the women workers are contingent workers. Women workers are low waged and are suffering inferior working condition due to gender discrimination. A bill to revise the Labor Contract Law which aims at preserving the fixed-term contract system is being proposed in the Diet and is very likely to be enacted.
 We would like to make this May Day an opportunity to realize decent work and life by inviting HOSONAGA Takako, a lawyer for women workers’ issues, and OKAMOTO Hirofumi, the Director General of the Community Union National Network, to speak at this May Day event. (KOJIMA Takeshi)
 Picture: Paul Jobin ”Tomorrow without Light”

人間らしい生活と労働を! 2012年キリスト者メーデー集会(東京)の案内
今 年10年目を迎えるキリスト者のメーデーが430日に東京・四ッ谷のニコラバレ会館で開かれる。今年のメーデーでは女性労働者が主体の有期労働、非正規 雇用の問題を焦点にする。雇用労働者の3分の1以上、約1700万人がパートや契約、嘱託、派遣などの非正規有期雇用契約で、間もなく2千万人を越えよう としている。そして、女性労働者の過半数は非正規雇用。女性たちは低賃金、男女差を伴う様々な劣悪な労働条件で働かされ、出産・育児で退職を迫られ、再就 職は更なるパート契約だ。雇い止めや低賃金など不安定な待遇を強いられ、経営者にとって都合の良い働き方を温存する有期労働契約の改悪法案が今国会に提出 され、ほぼ成立する情勢だ。女性労働者の問題に取り組む弁護士細永貴子さんとコミニュティユニオン全国ネットワーク事務局長の岡本啓文さんの話を聞き、こ のメーデーを人間らしい生活と労働を求める機会としたい。(小嶋武志)

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