Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Anti-nuke protest also outside Japan! – “Yosomono (outsiders) Net” against nukes started in Paris

The appeal of the Yosomono Net says, “When we called on Japanese expats for signing a letter to Japanese Prime Minister NODA Yoshihiko against the restart of the Oi Nuclear Power Plant, approximately 500 signed the appeal from all around the world only in one or two days. Also in other countries, Japanese expats took action against the restart. When they unite and cooperate, instead of being divided as before, they will be more powerful and influential”. The network, based in Paris, started from September 2012. According to TAKAHATA Yuki (right in the photo), one of the founders, the network sends postcards with anti-nuke messages to governors in Japan whose prefectures have nuclear power plants, and holds a rally at the Bastille Square in Paris once a month to show current situations in Fukushima and the whole Japan and demand denuclearization. The network also plans to perform the “Kansho-odori” protest dance, traditional in the Aizu district in Fukushima Prefecture, against the Japanese Government.

「去6月、大飯原発再稼働に反対する野田首相宛の手紙への連名をフランスから在外邦人に呼びかけたところ、わずか12日のあいだに、世界各地からおよそ 500人の賛同が寄せられました。他の国でも同様に、在外邦人が再稼働反対の行動を起こしました。これまでバラバラに活動してきた在外邦人がつながり、協 力しあえば、もっと大きな力を発することができるでしょう」(アピール文)。パリを中心に「よそものネット」が9月から本格的にスタートした。発起メン バーの一人、飛幡祐規さん(写真右)によれば、今後、再稼
働反対のはがきにメッセージをつけて原発立地知事に送る活動や、月1回バスティーユ広場で福島・ 日本の現状と脱原発を訴えるアピール集会を行うという。バス

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