Sunday, March 8, 2015

National rally to defend the right to study in Korean schools -- Fight on for free tuition!

On February 21th, a national rally to demand the right to learn at Korean Schools was held at the Tokyo Korean Junior  & Senior High School as part of the joint action to support the Korean High School Case. 1200 participants watched a video message made by Korean High School students and enjoyed a drama “Chogori” performed by Korean students studying in Japan. The organizer of the meeting, HASEGAWA Kazuo explained the significance of the meeting. “March 20th, 2013 is a humiliating day when Korean schools were excluded from the free tuition system. The Japanese government have tried to wipe out ethnic education for Koreans many times, but we have fought hard to defend ethnic schools. Presently, we are fighting nationwide against the discrimination on Korean schools and to support the lawsuits to stop the cut of subsidy to Korean schools from the local governments. Today, we have students from Osaka, Hiroshima and Fukuoka here in this meeting. Students from Aichi were also there at the rally in front of the Ministry of Education and Culture yesterday. High schools students in five districts have stood up and are suing the governments for their rights. Let’s fight to the end!”
(OZAWA Kuniko)

 221日(土)、東京朝鮮中高級学校・講堂において、朝鮮高校生裁判支援全国統一行動「朝鮮学校で学ぶ権利を!」全国集会が行われました。集会には約 1200人が参加し、朝鮮高校生が作成したビデオメッセージや、在日本朝鮮留学生同盟による演劇「チョゴリ」を見ました。主催者あいさつで長谷川和男代表 は「2013220日は、朝鮮学校を無償化から排除した屈辱的な日。日本政府が民族教育の灯を何度も消そうとする中で、民族学校を守り、闘ってきたその思いを消させたくない。朝鮮学校差別反対運動の更なる高揚と裁判勝利のため、全国各地で闘っている。今日ここには大阪、広島、福岡からも参加している。 昨日の文部科学省に対する行動には愛知からも来ていた。5つの地域で裁判闘争に立ち上がった高校生たちは、国を相手取って自分たちの権利を主張している。 勝利の日まで闘おう」と話しました。(尾澤邦子) 

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