Friday, March 4, 2016

“No US base! Not in Henoko!” 28,000 surround the Diet

“No US base! Not in Henoko!” Chants reverberated in central Tokyo on February 21st.
28,000 people gathered, forming a human chain action around the Diet Building to stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko, Okinawa. The front gate of the building was packed with people. Similar actions were held in Sapporo, Sendai, Chigasaki, Toyama, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka. In Tokyo, it was the first time that a rally was jointly called by both the Human Chain Committee for Henoko and the Joint Action against War and for the Defense of Article 9 of Japan’s Peace Constitution. The rally showed the rise of momentum to fight the Security Act together with the Henoko issue. INAMINE Susumu, mayor of Nago City, Okinawa, said, “The reason why we Okinawans have managed to fight on is the support of people outside Okinawa. The struggle against the construction of Henoko base has spread across Japan and to the world. The only place the voices of Okinawa people haven’t reached is the Japanese Diet. The victory in the Upper House election in July will lend strength to stop the Henoko base.” (SASAKI Yumi)
Photo by Shinya


 「基地をつくるな!辺野古につくるな!」のコールが響き渡った。221日午後「止めよ う!辺野古新基地建設」国会大包囲行動が行われ28000人が参加した。国会正門前は立錐の余地なく人で埋め尽くされた。この日は、札幌、仙台、茅ヶ崎、富山、名古屋、京都、大阪でも同時アクションが行われた。東京では、<「止めよう!辺野古埋め立て」国会包囲委員会>と<戦争させない・9条こわすな!総がかり行動実行委員会>が初めて共催。辺野古問題と戦争法を一体で闘う機運の高まりを感じさせた。沖縄からかけつけた稲嶺進名護市長(写真)は「我々が負けないでがんばってこれたのは、県外からたくさんの支援があるから。辺野古新基地反対は日本中、世界中に広がっている。この声が届かないのは国会だけ。7月参議院選挙で勝利することが基地を止める大きな力になる」と語った。(佐々木有美)
 * 写真=shinya

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