Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movie "Akira Tsuru -- Traces of Mind" Screening Starts -- Big Success on First Day

A movie "Akira Tsuru -- Traces of Mind" that depicts a life of Tsuru, who persued anti-war and anti-authority using Senryu poems as a weapon, was screened at Pore Pore Higashi Nakano on July 4. On the first day, the theater was packed for both screenings. Director Seijiro Koyama (Second from left), Ryoma Ikegami and Fumie Kashiyama, actors in the film, addressed to the audiences. "Tsuru had the ability to foresee future," the director said. "In the end, the history was written as he had predicted. We faced a lot of hardships in making this film, but I feel a strong sense of accomplishment. I am glad that I had a chance to introduce him to th world." On the day, a Senryu group of Labornet Japan offered Working Poor Senryu Workshop and many people joined to write their own poems. The movie is screening through the 24th, and it will travel to theaters nationwide thereafter.  *Movie website

 川柳を武器に反戦・反権力を貫いた鶴彬(つるあきら)の生涯を描いた映画「鶴彬ーこころの軌跡」が、7月4日、東京・ポレポレ東中野で公開された。初日は、1・2回とも満席で、神山征二郎監督(左から二人目)と出演者(池上リョヲマ・樫山文枝)の舞台挨拶があった。神山監督は、「鶴彬は先を見通す力があった人。結局、歴史は鶴彬の言った通りになってしまった。今回の映画づくりは大変苦労したが、やり遂げた充実感はある。鶴彬を世の中に出すことができてよかった」と語った。この日はレイバーネット川柳班が中心になった「ワーキングプア川柳講座」の移動教室も行われ、多数が参加した。映画は24日までロードショー、また全国で順次上映される。 ・映画サイト

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