Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Abolish nuclear power plant now! 7000 join the “NO NUKES FESTA 2009”

With people being more aware of global warming, a gathering for“denuclearization” was held at Meiji Park in central Tokyo on October 3, 2009, demanding the shift in the current energy policies centered on the use of nuclear power. According to the organizer, about 7000 people participated in the event. The gathering, “NO NUKES FESTA 2009”, was planned for the shift to nuclear-free energy and filled with various booths of trade unions, NGOs and other groups. Senryu, or satirical haikus from the general public were also displayed and subjected to vote by the “LaborNet Senryu Team”. The first section consisted of talk and music sessions, and some congresspersons like Fukushima Mizuho, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, delivered speeches in the second one. After the gathering, the participants started demonstrating through the Aoyama Avenue and the Omote Sando district with rhythmical dances and drum sounds that draw attention of passers-by. (Reported by Y) Image (YouTube)

脱原発へ!「NO NUKES FESTA 2009」に7000人が集う
地球温暖化防止の世論が盛り上がるなか、原発など原子力利用を中心にしたエネルギー政策の転換を求める「脱原発」集会が10月3日、東京・明治公園で開催され、約7000人(主催者発表)が参加した。放射能を出さないエネルギーへの転換を求めて企画された「NO NUKES FESTA2009」。会場には、さまざまなブースがところせましと並び、労働組合、市民団体などの旗が林立した。「レイバーネット川柳班」による公募川柳も展示され、シール投票が行なわれた。第一部のトーク、音楽のほか、第二部では、社民党の福島瑞穂特命担当大臣ら国会議員も発言した。集会後参加者は、青山通り、表参道を貫くパレードに出発。リズミカルな踊りとドラムの響きが、道行く人々の注目を集めていた。(報道部・Y)・動画(YouTube)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We the members of the Anjuman asiaye Awam (Association of peoples of Asia ) demands the immideat abolition of the Nuclear power plant now.
we all endored the statement.
Mahar Safdar Ali
general Secretary
Anjuman Asiaye Awam
4.A lawrence road lahore
Pakistan. phones +92-042-3631944