Saturday, November 5, 2011

Listen to the 99%! Here’s a liberation square - “Occupy Tokyo” rally

On October 15, 2011, action was called for by UCHIDA Shoko, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC); MATSUMOTO Chie, LaborNet Japan; KAWAZOE Makoto, Tokyo Young Contingent Workers' Union; and AMAMIYA Karin, writer as a part of the “Occupy Wall Street! Occupy the Planet!”. The rally was held at a park in the Roppongi district, central Tokyo. There were surprisingly a large number of security policemen and news reporters, so the action drew much attention. Many of approximately 200 participants freely expressed their feelings. A university student appealed loudly, “It’s time to stop economic growth that sacrifices and exploits someone. It’s time to stop pursuing money. I’m angry!”. The gathering was also shown in real time in the United States by Skype, while curry and rice were given to the participants free of charge and some were playing the drums there. The park became a liberation square. This action has proven the potential that the movement of the 99% will expand also in Japan. (M)
Video (LaborNet TV – English version)PhotosYTN News, South KoreaLive video in New YorkGlobalpost (video)Ustream (video)


10月15日、「ウォール街を占拠せよ!世界同時アクションin東京」の一つとして六本木・三河台公園で行動が取り組まれた。呼びかけたのは、内田聖子(PARC)・松元ちえ(レイバーネット)・河添誠(首都圏青年ユニオン)・雨宮処凛(作家)の4氏。驚くのは、公安警察とマスメディアが多いこと。注目度はバツグンだ。公園には約200人が集まり、一人ひとりが言いたいことを自由にアピールした。ある学生は「だれかを犠牲に搾取する経済成長はもうやめよう。金を求め続ける生活はもうやめよう。私は怒っている!」と叫ぶように訴えた。公園ではスカイプでアメリカとつないだり、手作りカレーを振る舞ったり、ドラムをたたいたり、自由な広場空間が一挙に生まれた。99%の運動が日本でも大きく拡がる可能性を秘めたイベントとなった。(M)・動画(レイバーネットTV英語版) ・写真報告 ・韓国YTNニュース ・ニューヨークのライブ映像 ・Globalpost(動画) ・ユースト録画(PARC)

1 comment:

bigZero said...

In the spring of 1928, Disney asked Ub Iwerks to start drawing up new character ideas. Iwerks tried sketches of various animals, such as dogs and cats, but none of these appealed to Disney. A female cow and male horse were also rejected. They would later turn up as Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar.A male frog, also rejected, would later show up in Iwerks' own Flip the Frog series. Walt Disney got the inspiration for Mickey Mouse from his old pet mouse he used to have on his farm

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