On December 9, Osaka Police arrested 3
citizens including SHIMOJI Maki, Assistant Professor at Hannam University, for walking
in Osaka station on their way to the City Government office after taking part
in a rally in October against the incineration of the debris of the East Japan
Great Earthquake. The charges were disobeying an order to diperse, obstruction
of business and violation of railway operation law. When the Osaka City held a
public hearing on the debris incineration plan on August 30, Shimoji seriously
challenged the city and Ministry of Environment officials on the safety of the
plan. The Mayor Hashimoto could not answer and abruptly stopped the hearing.
This malicious arrest is a frame up to crush the no-nukes movement. By this unprecedented
arrest, the number of arrestees is now 10; one in the action to stop the
restart of Oi Nuclear Power Plant, two in the action in front of the main
office of Kansai Electric Power Company and four in another public hearing on
the debris incineration plan. (Kansai Amalgamated Union, Ishida)
Photo: Shimoji at the public hearing on Aug. 30
Against oppression Feb.3 2013
12 月9日、大阪府警は、瓦礫焼却反対の街頭宣伝後、大阪市役所への移動のために大阪駅構内を通過したことが、「鉄道営業法違反」「不退去罪」「業務威力妨
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