Tuesday, August 26, 2014

“No wars! No Yasukuni!” - 250 gather for annual anti-Yasukuni action on August 15

The annual rally and march against Yasukuni, the shrine that commemorates those who had died in service of the emperor of Japan including a number of Class A war criminals from the WWII, was held in Tokyo on August 15, the day Imperial Japan surrendered to the allied powers in 1945. In the call for action this year, the organizers denounced the delusive “remembrance of the war victims and prayer for peace” by the Abe administration that approved the use of right to collective self-defense by re-interpreting the constitution in July. The venue of the rally was packed with more participants, including a greater number of youths, than last year. KITAMURA Sayo, a retired teacher, spoke of her own experience during the war. “Everyone could be labeled a spy any time. Trust among people was lost completely. We must not return to those days without humanity,” she stressed.  The right-wingers attacked the protesters during the march to the shrine more violently this year.  From time to time, they broke through the mass of riot police walking alongside the marchers and took away banners, tore them and threw plastic bottles of drinks while swearing at the marchers with loud speakers all the time.  However, the march was completed in about an hour with no casualty among the participants. (By M)   
  *Photo: at a junction near the shrine

8 15日、「安倍戦争国家の『追悼』を許さない! 8.15反『靖国』行動」が行われた。会場の東京・全水道会館には、時代の危機 を反映してか、昨年を上回る人たちでぎっしり。若者の姿も増えた。戦争体験 のある元教員・北村小夜さんが講演し、「人をみたらスパイ、人を信じられなくなるのが戦争社会。絶対繰り返してはならない」と訴えた。デモでは、例年以上 に右翼の攻撃的姿勢が目立った。警察も大量の機動隊員を動員して、デモ隊を二重にも三重にもブロックして併走した。右翼グループ はハンドマイクでがなりた てながら、デモ隊に突っ込んできたり、横断幕を奪ったり、ペットボトルを投げつけたりとやりたい放題。しかし、デモ隊は「戦争反対、靖国反対」のコールを しながら整然と進み、けが人も逮捕者も出さすに無事約1時間のデモを貫徹 した。(M
 写真速報動画(YouTube 5分)ムキンポ写真館 * 写真=九段下交差点

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