Café Berg is located close to the East exit of JR Shinjuku station and is famous for its quality coffee and beer, and divine food. Perfectly suited to the diversity of Shinjuku, the café is an oasis for men and women of all ages who can spend their time in the café in bliss. Despite its popularity, the landlord, Lumine East, pressured Berg to change to a fixed-term contract, and advised Berg that it would evict them by March 2003 if it refused. The reason given by the landlord for this threat was beyond comprehension: because Lumine is a building for fashion. Berg did not bend to Lumine’s unreasonable demand, and publicized its plight. Many Berg fans stood up to the call and there was a lot of media coverage given to the café too. March came and went. Lumine says that the eviction has been “postponed”, but in fact, Berg has managed to win a concession out of the giant JR. Let’s have a hearty celebration of this victory. All Berg fans are invited to celebrate this at the Shinjuku Noukyoukaikan Building on October 10th. Tickets available for the first 70 on arrival (Source: JR Watch) See Berg homepage for more information.
JR新宿駅東口から直ぐのところにベルクはある。コーヒー、ビールが極上で料理も拘りの逸品だ。雑多な新宿に相応しく、老若男女が至福の時に浸れるオアシスだ。このベルクに対して大家のルミネエストは定期契約への変更を迫り、拒否すると09年3月までの立ち退きを勧告。理由は「ルミネはファッションビルだから」だとか? ベルクはルミネの理不尽な要求に屈せず、事態を公表した。多くのベルクファンらが立ち上がり、メディアも多数取り上げた。そして今年の3月を越えた。ルミネは「延期」だと言うが、巨象JRを譲歩させたのだ。この事実を大いに祝おうと思う。ベルクファン集まれ! 10/10新宿農協会館・先着70名。(JRウォッチ) ベルクHP