To counter ISUZU MOTORS' plan to dismiss 1,400 fixed-term or agency-dispatched temporary employees as of December 26, collective bargaining was held with ISUZU on December 15, jointly organized by the Kanto Regional Council of the All Japan Shipbuilding and Engineering Union (ZENZOSEN), ISUZU MOTORS Chapter and Shonan Union. Unionists demanded that the cancellation of contracts be revoked, work on the ISUZU factory's premises be secured, assistance services be given for finding job openings and the permission to dwell in company housing units and dormitories be extended. The company responded as follows:
(1) It is not possible to revoke contract termination.
(2) An employment assistance office for assisting outgoing employees has been launched on the factory premises to start operation on December 9.
(3) Company dormitory residents among fixed-term employees may continue to use their rooms free of charge up to the date when the initial contracts would expire or until they find a new job or dwelling.
Photo: Flier distribution at a station (December 17)

いすゞ自動車が期間従業員・派遣従業員1,400人を12月26日で解雇しようとしている問題で、全造船機械労働組合関東地方協議会・いすゞ自動車分会、湘南ユニオンは合同で12月15日、いすゞ自動車との団体交渉を開催した。組合側の契約解除の撤回、構内への仕事確保、就業の斡旋、社宅・寮居住の延期などの要求に対し会社側は、(1)撤回には応じられない (2)就業斡旋は12月9日より工場内に再就職支援室を設置した (3)期間従業員の寮入居者は再就職・新たな住居が見つかるまで、当初の契約満了まで無料で提供する、と回答してきた。 詳細 *写真=駅頭チラシまき(12/17)