In response to the March 25 Tokyo High Court ruling on the JR employment discrimination case, the four lawsuit parties and four supporting organizations jointly held a rally for the first time on April 1 at the Curian citizens hall, Tokyo, which was named "Rally for Recovery of Human Rights of the 1047 Workers, Aimed at Fulfilment of Demand through Political Solution" and attended by 1,500 participants. Representing the caretaker parties, Takahashi Kokuro '(National Railworkers' Union) Headquarters Chairperson expressed his determination to keep fighting until their demand for justice and recovery of human rights would be fulfilled. Nihei Joint Struggle Congress Chairperson explained the development and Mr. Shinsuke Kato, the chief of the attorneys reported on the evaluation of the ruling and the future direction of the struggle. Then Mr. Masaaki Hara of the Chikuho Struggle Team and Ms. Hiroko Tanaka, representing family members of the Wakkanai Struggle Team, talked about how they had lived and fought for these 22 years, respectively. They unanimously made it clear that they would continue to fight until they would win employment, pension benefits and settlement money. (Takeshi Kawamura) (Photo: Struggle Team members and families on the stage)
3月25日のJR採用差別事件の東京高裁判決を受けて、初めての4者4団体主催による「1047名の人権回復を! 政治解決で要求実現をめざす集会」が4月1日、東京・きゅりあんで1500人が参加して開かれた。主催者を代表して高橋国労本部委員長が、公正さと人権回復を求めて要求実現まで闘う決意を表明。二瓶(にへい)国鉄闘争共闘会議議長が経過報告、加藤晋介主任弁護人が判決の概要と評価、闘いの方向性について報告した。そして、筑豊闘争団の原正明さん、稚内闘争団家族の田中廣子さんがそれぞれ22年の闘い・暮らしを語りながら、「雇用・年金・解決金を勝ち取るまで闘い続ける」と23年目を闘う決意を語った。(川村剛史 かわむら たけし) *写真=闘争団・家族が登壇
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