Tuesday, April 24, 2012

“We need to live!” Davenroy workers resisting factory closure and dismissal

They dont understand anything. We requested a negotiation, but the executive director said he would call the police. Female employees of Davenroy Linen Supply, headquartered in Tokyo, expressed their anger one after another (photo). The cleaning company is unilaterally going to close its factory and dismiss the employees. The management solicited voluntary retirement of 120 employees on April 8 and 9, 2012. In response, members of the Davenroy Local of the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu and their supporters protested against the dismissal at Davenroys Omori Factory from early in the morning on both days. The demonstration rocked the factory. The union members demanded board members of the company to cancel the meeting on voluntary retirement and accept collective bargaining, but the management totally ignored the demands and forcibly started soliciting it. The factory is scheduled to be closed at the end of April.


「悔 しい、なぜわかってくれないのか」「体を張って話し合いを迫ったが、専務は警察を呼ぶと言った」、デイベンロイの女性従業員(写真)は口々に怒りをぶつけ た。東京・大森のクリーニング企業「デイベンロイ・リネンサプライ」では、いま一方的工場閉鎖・解雇攻撃がかけられている。48日・9日には会社が、 120名の希望退職説明会を強行したため、当該(東京東部労組デイベンロイ支部)と支援の労働者が、両日早朝から、大森工場構内に集まり抗議行動を展開し た。構内はデモとシュプレヒコールで揺れた。支部組合員はストライキを決行し、説明会会場に詰めかけ、役員に中止と団交を要求した。しかし、会社はこれを 完全に無視し、説明会を強行した。4月末の工場閉鎖を目前にデイベンロイのたたかいは重大な局面を迎えた。(М)

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