Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer for Victims and Desire to Rebuild: 16 thousands gather in Fukushima on 3.11

Many rallies were held nationwide in Japan on March 11, the first anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. The participants reposed of those who lost their lives in the disaster and refreshed the desire for reconstruction.
In Fukushima Prefecture, some 16,000 people attended a gathering titled "We don't want nuclear plants! 3.11 Rally of the People of Fukushima" that was held at a baseball stadium in Koriyama City. They observed a moment of silence at 2:46 p.m., the time when the earthquake off Tohoku spawned the tsunami that wrecked the Pacific coast on March 11, 2011. At a squire in front of the central railway station of the city, hundreds of candle lanterns prepared by local citizens were displayed, expressing their thoughts and feelings with drawings and words.
The rally started with a concert by a famed singer KATO Tokiko who performed tunes with a prayer for revitalization. SHIMIZU Shuji made an appeal representing the organizers. "It may seem that we, residents of Fukushima, have regained a normal life. But look carefully. Children are not playing outdoors. Farmers have been deprived of the joy of production. Beleaguered by radioactivity, we are forced to live with a fear about the future that is too hard to articulate. We have learnt a hard lesson that nuclear plants have an enormous danger that can possibly destroy the whole nation. With regrets, we cry 'no nukes!'  Let's move forward together!"  (By MORI Miki)


東日本大震災・福島原発事故から1年目の311日、日本各地で鎮魂のおもいと復興への願いを込めた集会が開催されました。福島では「東日本大震災・福島原発事故1周年 原発いらない!311福島県民大集会が郡山市の開成山野球場で開催され16,000余が参加しました。 そして、246分に黙祷をおこないました。また、郡山駅前広場では鎮魂のキャンドル「春蛍」が展示され、大勢の人たちが各々のおもいを託していました。311郡山集会では歌手の加藤登紀子さんがオープニングコンサートをおこない、再生の祈りを込めた歌声を届け、集会呼びかけ人の清水氏が「一見、平穏に見えるかもしれないが良く見ると子どもたちの姿が見えない。農家は生産の喜びを奪われた。放射能に包囲され将来に言い様のない不安がある。原発は国の破滅になりかねない危険があることが分かった。『原発いらない』は痛恨の叫びだ。ともに前進しましょう」との訴えをおこないました。 海樹)

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