Friday, July 6, 2012

45 thousand gather for “Hydrangea Revolution” No restart! Action in front of Prime Minister’s Office


On June 2, 45 thousand people gathered in front of the Prime Minister’s Office to protest the restart of the Oi nuclear power plant. The government office area was filled with  chants of “Saikadou Hantai (No restart)”. There were many young people, one of whom said “I just had to come today.” Everyone gathered on a Friday evening to protect their own lives and to protest the Noda government which neglects the wish of the majority of people to stop reactivation of the plant. The Prime Minister’s Office was quickly surrounded by multiple rows of demonstrators, who also filled the pavement on the other side of the road. This movement was named “Hydrangea Revolution” by some of the participants. I hope that this revolution will truly become a process in which the wish of the people will be fulfilled, the restart of nuclear power plants will be blocked and  the decommissioning of all plants will be finally realized. (MATSUMOTO Chie)


22日、「再稼働反対」の声が霞が関の夜空に響いた。この晩、大飯原発再稼働を強行突破した野田佳彦首相に抗議するため、45千人(主催者発表)が首相官邸前に集まった。「今日こそは来なくちゃ いけないと思った」と話す20代、30代の若者も目立った。みなそれぞれ、再稼働反対の大多数の国民の意思を無視した野田政権へ抗議するため、また自分たちの命を守るために金曜日の夜に結集した。集会開始1時間も経たないう ちに首相官邸前には23列にならんだ市民が一周し、またたく間に反対側の歩道も人で埋まるほどのうねりになった。だれが命名したのか、再稼働反対の運動は「紫陽花(アジサイ)革命」と呼ばれる。この革命が、真の意味で 民意を貫き通す革命として、原発の再稼働を撤回、ひいては原発を廃炉にするまでに発展することを願う。(松元ちえ)


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