Friday, July 6, 2012

Listen to the people’s voice: No Nukes! Over 100 thousand surround the Prime Minister’s Office


The anger of people opposing the restart of Oi nuclear power plant exploded on June 29. The Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo was surrounded by more than 100 thousand demonstrators who started out walking on the sidewalks, but quickly flowed onto the road. The police had to acquiesce to make the main road to the Prime Minister’s Office a free space for the people. It was the first time since the protest actions against the signing of Japan-US Security Treaty in 1960 that the Diet building and the Prime Minister’s Office were surrounded by a mass demonstration. There were many press helicopters in the air. The Labornet TV crew was there to live-broadcast and interview the participants, most of whom were first-comers. All of them were earnest, saying “Absolutely no to nukes!” “We just have to take action.” Ordinary citizens who have not taken part in any social movements were there with handmade placards, banners, etc. At 8 pm, organizers called on the participants to disperse to ensure the next action. The rally ended peacefully. June 29 will undoubtedly become a historic day for the No Nukes uprising in Japan. (M) 


29日、大飯原発再稼働に反対する人々の怒りが爆発した。首相官邸前は10万人をこえる人々で埋まった。最初参加者は歩道に並んでいたが、続々と集まる 人の群れで歩道は限界に達し、遂に車道にまで広がっていった。警察も黙認、官邸前・国会脇の大通りは完全に「解放区」となった。そこは人、人、人の波だっ た。「紫陽花革命」の大きなプラカードが目立つ。国会・官邸前の「巨大デモ」の出現は、60年安保以来の画期的出来事になった。空にはヘリコプターが何台 も飛びマスコミ報道も過熱した。「レイバーネットTV」はチームを組んで、参加者の生の声を聞いたが、初めて参加した人が圧倒的に多かった。「原発は絶対 だめだ」「行動を起こすしかない」、みな真剣だ。これまで活動とは無縁のフツーの人たちが手作りのアピールグッズを手にやってきた。午後8時、巨万の人々 は主催者の「次に繋げるためにここで解散しよう」との呼びかけに応え、整然と行動を終了し解散した。2012629日は、まちがいなく「脱原発・世直 し運動」の歴史的な日になった。(M 


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