Sunday, July 28, 2013

Far from containment: Decontamination and its work were questioned

On July 6, 2013, a meeting to “question decontamination and its work” was held in central Tokyo, hosted by the “Network for Exposed Workers”. Despite the violent summer heat, many came to participate in the rally. IIDA Katsuyasu, the MC and a member of the Tokyo Occupational Health and Safety Center, said, “The disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been far from contained even after two years. It is necessary for us to question decontamination and its work themselves”. HIRANO Toshio, an organizer of the meeting, doctor and member of the TOHSC, visits temporary housing in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture once a month for providing health counseling. In June, a woman came to the counseling for fear of cancer. Mr. Hirano saw a man in his 50s die of thyroid cancer a year ago. (Y)


7 6日、「除染事業と除染労働の実態を問う」と題した集会が都内で開かれた。主催は「被ばく労働を考えるネットワーク」。梅雨明けが宣言され猛暑日となったこの日、東京・文京区の文京区民センターに次々と参加者が集まり、作業現場からの報告に熱心に耳を傾けた。 司会の飯田勝泰さん(東京労働安全センター)は、「福島原発の事故から2年経ったが、収束には程遠い。除染労働と除染事業そのものを問いただす必要がある」とあいさつ。呼びかけ人の平野敏夫(同前)は月1回、いわき市の仮設住宅で健康相談を行なっている。先月ある女性が「うちはガンの家系なのか」と不安げに訪れた。50歳代の男性が1年前に甲状腺がんで亡くなった。(Y

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