Friday, August 16, 2013

Angry worker sues company for unfair dismissal due to “loss of freshness”

I have been hurt by the company countless times during the collective bargaining sessions, but there were two factors that pushed me to file a lawsuit against it. One is betrayal; another is the company’s comment about “freshness” of workers. People use the word “freshness” to describe food, for instance, not to describe young women working for a company. However, Veloce, the company that runs discount cafes, described young women as “highly fresh” and so they draw many male customers. The company representatives did not even hesitate to speak in such a way. I was deeply hurt by this comment, which described me like fish or vegetables. I was no longer “fresh enough” or “expired” and not needed for the company. I have worked for more than eight years for this company, and all I get was this. Veloce not only disposes workers in four years, but it treats women like objects and tells them they are obsolete when aged. I decided to sue the company. (Woman worker dismissed by Veloce)
Photo: Press conference at Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry after filing a lawsuit on July 23.

こ れまでの会社とのやりとりで深く傷つけられた事は、数えきれませんが、なかでも私に裁判という選択を余儀なくさせた出来事が二つありました。ひとつは、会 社の不誠実な裏切りです。いまひとつは、雇い止めの理由のひとつとして会社が放った、“鮮度”という言葉です。鮮度という言葉はモノに対して使う言葉です が、若い女性のことを、“鮮度が高い”と言い、そういう子をそろえた方が男性客の集客につながると、平然と言ったのです。愛着を持ち、8年以上働いてきた 大切なお店に、魚や野菜のように、“鮮度が落ちたから”“賞味期限切れ”だから、もういらないと言われたことに、打ちのめされ、深く傷つきました。ただ4 年で人を使い捨てにするだけではなく、女性をモノ扱いし、年齢を重ねた女は、必要ないと言われたことが、私に裁判を決意させる決め手となりました。(ベ ローチェ雇い止め女性の会見発言) 全文 *写真=7.23提訴後の厚労省記者会見(弁護士・首都圏青年ユニオン)

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