Sunday, August 25, 2013

International Symposium Aims to Establish a UN 'Comfort Women' Memorial Day

Some 400 people gathered at Women's Plaza Hall in Tokyo on August 11 for an international symposium titled "We never tolerate any distortions of historic facts! Let's have the UN recognize the Japanese Military 'Comfort Women' Memorial Day as its world day!"  In the opening speech, Yang Ching-ja, a co-representative of Japan Action Resolution of the "Comfort Women" Issue, explained that August 14 is the day that Kim Hak-sun of South Korea came forward to publicly disclose her experience as a 'comfort womon', a sex slave for Japanese military, in 1991 and other victims in various Asian countries followed Kim to testify their own experiences. These victims later came to play central roles in causing social changes and the Asian Solidarity Conference in December 2012 declared the establishment of the August 14 'Comfort Women' Memorial Day, she reported. (By OZAWA Kuniko)




Eiji Nakano said...


Eiji Nakano said...

During Korean war, UN military use comfort women called 洋公主( Western princess :양공주, Yanggongju. So Finally UN decide to make appologize and compensation to them.