Friday, August 16, 2013

Unprecedented failure by government~the second court hearing against Anti-Nuke Occupy Tent

Factual errors manifested at the second hearing against the Anti-Nuke Occupy Tent on July 22. The lawyer representing the tent pointed out that one of the two individuals being sued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which oversees nuclear industry, is in fact another person rather than MASAKIYO Taichi mentioned in the plaintiff’s statement. METI is demanding that Masakiyo and another tent staff pay 11 million yen in compensation for occupying METI owned land. METI has submitted several photographs showing hunger strikes and press conferences in front of the tent to prove the fact that the tent is illegally occupying METI property. However, one of the two men described as Masakiyo was not himself. The defense lawyer also pointed out that the errors were not only limited to the photos but some facts in the statement. Chuckles were overheard from the attendees. See photos: Defense lawyer points out the errors in the statement at the press conference after the hearing.(MATSUMOTO Chie)
Photo(Attorney Kawai on the right at the press conference)

脱 原発テントの撤去を求める裁判の東京地裁第二回公判で、とんでもない事実誤認が判明した。7月22日に開かれた公判で、テント側の代理人が指摘したのは、 経済産業省が名指しで所有地の占有責任と賠償金1100万円を求めている被告二人のうち正清太一さんが、別のテントスタッフだったということだった。経産 省は、テント占有の事実を訴えるため、テント前で行われたハンガーストライキや記者会見などの様子がわかる写真を数点証拠として提示しているが、そこに指 定されている人物は渕上太郎さんと、正清さんではない別の人物だった。しかし訴状は写真上の人物誤認にとどまらず、通して基本的事実関係に間違えが散見さ れる、と河合弘之弁護士が主張した。この指摘がされると傍聴席からは笑い声がもれた。(松元ちえ)

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