Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some 525 people gather to protest against layoffs in Aichi. Mr. Yuasa spoke on the plight of workers who can’t say "No".

On February 22nd, a mass meeting was held in Aichi at the Telepia Hall in Nagoya in order to protest the successive layoff of labor hire workers in the manufacturing industry (see photo). Some 525 citizens and others gathered to the meeting to hear the plight of the laid off workers and Mr. Yuasa’s speech, the organizer of the Tent City that was held over the New Years period. Mr. Yuasa highlighted that: “The Tent City was not simply charity. It is a campaign to enable workers to get out of the downward spiral into poverty, which forces them to accept the degradation of their work conditions, and create a healthy labor market that allows workers to say “No!” to these attacks”. (Reported by Tooru Sakai). Photo provided by Nagoya Fureai Union (click link).

 製造業における相次ぐ「派遣切り」に抗議するため、2月22日、名古屋のテレピアホールで「愛知派遣切り抗議大集会」が開催された(写真)。集会には市民など525人が詰めかけ、「派遣切り」にあった当事者からの訴えや、年越し派遣村村長の湯浅誠さんの講演に耳を傾けた。湯浅さんは「派遣村は単なる救済運動ではない。どこまでも自らの労働条件を切り下げていかなければならない労働者に、『貧困すべりだい』からはい上がる階段を付け、『No!と言える労働者』を作り出して、健全な労働市場再び回復するための運動だ」と語った。(酒井徹) *写真提供=名古屋ふれあいユニオン(リンク)

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