Saturday, March 9, 2013

Two actions in Tokyo on 22 February Prime Minister Abe should listen to the voices from Fukushima, not the U.S

On 22 February, 620 people gathered in front of the Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office. They were the plaintiffs in a criminal complaint against TEPCO and the government. The plaintiff group leader, MUTO Ruiko was absent with a cold, so the sub-leader, SATO Kazuyoshi, and the attorneys went into the office building carrying signatures from 40,625 people. While they were in the office, people outside who came from Fukushima and all around Japan raised their voices. “Is Japan a law abiding nation?” “A society that neglects 10 people’s lives for the well-being of 1000 people cannot be called an advanced society.” “I had to quit organic farming due to the atomic disaster. TEPCO should be indicted”.

 After the action in front of the Prosecutor’s office, the participants joined the weekly protest action in front of the Prime Minister’s Office. People from Fukushima were encouraged by joining active citizens in the Tokyo area. Prime Minister Abe was not in the office that day, but young policemen and Prime Minister’s Office workers were listening to the voice of one of the women from Fukushima. “I came from the town of  Namie in Fukushima. I still live in temporary housing made of thin plywood. I never thought my old age would be lived in such  misery. Women are born with ova, so we are suffering. Can you understand? Who can call this an affluent life?” (Shinya, KOKUTETSU Ko)  


福島原発告訴団による東京地検包囲行動が22日行われ、620人(主催者発表)が東京地検前の狭い歩道を埋め尽くした。この日、風邪で惜しくも欠席した武藤類子団長に代わり、佐藤和良副団長と弁護士が、40,265筆の署名を携え東京地検に入る。署名提出の間、告訴団運動を担ってきた各地方事務局の代表者や福島からの参加者がアピール。「これでも日本は法治国家か」「1000人の幸せのために10人 の犠牲をいとわない。そんな姿は発展した社会のものではない」「有機農業をしていたのに原発事故でやめざるを得なくなった。なんとしても起訴を」と切実な アピールが続いた。その後、参加者全員で「強制捜査をせよ」「東電を起訴せよ」「保安院を起訴せよ」「(原子力)安全委員会を起訴せよ」「山下俊一を起訴 せよ」のコールを東京地検にぶつけた。私の気分もあるかもしれないが、「山下俊一を起訴せよ」の時が一番声が大きかったような気がする。(黒鉄好)

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