On May 14, 2009, about a thousand people participated in a rally held atHibiya Open-air Music Hall in central Tokyo for demanding the WorkerDispatch Law be fundamentally changed. All opposition parties have begunjoining their hands to “ban registration for dispatch” and a jointbill for it is in sight. Representatives from the Democratic Party ofJapan, the Social Democratic Party and the Japanese Communist Partydelivered encouraging messages to the participants. Kamata Satoshi, oneof the facilitators, appealed, “A sharply increasing number of youthskilled themselves according to the 2008 statistics on suicide releasedtoday. Are we satisfied with such a society that people are in aprecarious life-and-death circumstance and lose hope? We have no choicebut to change such a situation”. In addition, speeches of courageoustemporary workers at Oita Canon and other companies were welcomed withapplause. Then, the participants marched to the Parliament for makingthe petition at the unusually cold night.
