Tuesday, June 27, 2017

‘Conspiracy bill is unconstitutional!’ ‘We’ll never give up!’ ~The fight against the bill continues

  A great number of citizens gathered in front of the Diet Building and sat in all night from June 14 to 15 after the news broke out that the ruling coalition was to force the conspiracy bill in the parliamentary session that night. “The members of Liberal Democratic Party hooted and jeered fiercely, but those scenes were never showed on TV,” one demonstrator said. “We should not be discouraged or withered even if the bill passes,” KAITO Yuichi, a lawyer, addressed the protesters at a rally, “Let us keep fighting against this evil law.” KOIKE Akira from the Japan Communist Party said, “There has never been a voting so unfair and terrible in the past! We will never give up!”  ITOKAZU Keiko from the parliamentary group Wind of Okinawa, who took the ox-walking tactic to protest the voting, said, “I am filled with anger and grief.”  FUKUSHIMA Mizuho from the Social Democratic Party and two other lawmakers also ox-walked, but their votes were counted as invalid because of the time they took to cast the vote, which was over two minutes. “(They ignored) how significant these three votes were!” she said, expressing her outrage. The joint struggle between citizens and opposition parties against the bill will continue.  (By MIYUKI Emi) 
  *Photo: The votes of the lawmakers who ox-walked were counted as invalid. (The woman in pink is FUKUSHIMA Mizuho) Youtube

6月14日から15日朝、与党による共謀罪法案「強行 採決迫る」の緊急事態を受け、議員会館前にはたくさんの市民が集 い、徹夜の座り込みが続いた。傍聴した人の話では、「自民党の ヤジがひどいが、テレビではそれは一切消されている」とのことだ った。海渡雄一弁護士は「共謀罪が通っても萎縮せず、この悪法と たたかっていきましょう!」と呼びかけた。日本共産党・小池晃 さんは「こんなひどい採決はない!今後もあきらめない」と語っ た。牛歩をした沖縄の風・糸数慶子さんは「嘆きと怒りでいっぱ いだ」と。また社民党・福島みずほさんは「牛歩をした3人の議員 (森裕子・又市征治・福島みずほ)が投票したにもかかわらず、2 分の制限時間を過ぎたとして投票無効とされた。この3票がどれほ ど価値があるものか!」と怒りを露わにした。今後も市民と野党 の共闘、「あきらめないたたかい」はつづく。(見雪恵美)
湯本報告&動 画 *写真=牛歩議員の投票が 無効とされた(ピンクは福島みずほ氏)

International Symposium on 17th Anniversary of June 15 North-South Joint Declaration: Sanctions, Pressures Aren't Solutions

An international symposium was held on June 11 in central Tokyo to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the North-South Joint Declaration issued on June 15, 2000.  Scholars and analysts from South Korea, North Korea, North America, China, Russia and Japan discussed with the theme "Korean Peninsula and the East Asia, towards a new stage leading to peace." In the speech representing the organizers, FUJIMOTO Yasunari, Co-representative of the Peace Forum strongly criticized the hostile policy of the Abe administration against North Korea.  "The Korean Peninsula is in a state of ultra high tension now. We need to urge the United States to stop the provocation against North Korea. It is the only way to avoid a war. Japan must change its policy of subordination to the US and hostility against North Korea: It will otherwise be left behind in the international society," said Nam Sung-wu, vice-chairman of the central steering committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, speaking as a guest. The event closed with adoption of an appeal that reads "Neither sanctions nor pressures will solve the problem. The countries neighboring the Korean Peninsula should contribute to building an environment where North and South Korean states are able to spontaneously promote a dialogue, rather than unnecessarily pursuing a hostile policy against the North."   By KANEKO Toru)

制裁や圧力では問題は解決しない!~6.15南北共同宣言 17周年・国際シンポジウム