Monday, March 21, 2016

Enough is enough! Honda India Workers stand up

2,000 workers of Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI) have been in dispute at its Tapukara Plant, Rajasthan since February 16, 2016.  When contract workers of the painting section finished their morning shift, they declined their manager’s order to work overtime as they had to work overtime for three consecutive days and did not feel well. Then, they were hit by their manager. Many workers at the plant who witnessed the violence got angry, sat in at the plant, and stopped the production. At the same time, they demanded through their union a negotiation with the management for the reinstatement of nine union activists and 400 contract workers who were fired or suspended, as well as an apology for the violence. The management evicted leaders of the workers and sent the police force and the unlawful mafia to the plant, rather than accepting the negotiation. The workers were tear-gassed and hit by sticks and stones, leaving 60 to 70 injured. (TONO Haruhi)



Money or life?! Demand for “No nukes now!” in front of the Parliament on 3.11

March 11 of this year is the fifth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Our struggle against the pro-nuke Abe administration and the nuclear mafia never ends. On March 9, the Otsu District Court in Shiga Prefecture, near Kyoto, ordered that the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant be stopped, and this decision encouraged the protest in front of the Office of the Prime Minister and the Parliament with even bigger voice of protest. The area was full of protesters. According to the organizer, the number of the participants was 6,000. In front of the Prime Minister’s Office, a woman on a wheelchair criticized Prime Minister Abe, saying, “On March 9, PM Abe enjoyed dinner with a director of Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economic Journal), and he did the same with WATANABE Tsuneo, the chairperson of Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s most widely circulated newspaper, ten times last year. Thus, Abe makes the media avoid writing anything unfavorable for him”. The struggle of Japanese people against nukes is also against power and money mongers who do not care about the future and for our survival. (KINOSHITA Masaaki)

* Photo: Demonstration in front of TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) (By Shinya)

金もうけかいのちか!~3.11 反原発の声鳴り響いた国会周辺

311日金曜日、5年目の3.11を迎えた。5年たっても原発再稼働を推し進める安倍政権ら原子力ムラとのたたかいは終わらない。2日前に滋賀県の大津地裁で「高浜原発停止命令」が出て、この夜で187回になる官邸前・国会前の抗議行動は勢いをましていた。ひときわ大きな声、声、声が国会周辺に鳴りひびいた。国会前から希望のエリアにむけて進もうにも、ぎっしり人波で埋まっていた。主催者は「参加者は6000人」と発表した。スピーチする人々も多様で、官邸前では車椅子の女性が、安倍首相がマスコミ対策で「一昨日は日本経済新聞社の幹部と夕食し、昨年は読売の渡辺恒雄と10回も会食して、自分に都合の悪い ことは書かせない」と批判していた。反原発のたたかいは、金もうけのために明日のことを考えない権力亡者と、明日へのいのちをつなごうとする日本の民衆とのたえざるせめぎ合いなのだ。(木下昌明) 

LabotNet TV on March 9, 2016: “Campaign to raise the minimum wage”

Various trade unions and people are campaigning for raising the minimum wage to 1,500 yen (13 US dollars) per hour. The ratio of non-regular workers is approximately 40% of the whole workforce, and it is said that the number of the working poor whose annual income is less than 2 million yen (17,000 US dollars) is 12 million. It is time to end such a situation that “it is impossible to live decently even by working regularly”. To solve this problem, it is necessary to raise the minimum wage. The slogan of the campaign is: “For the minimum wage of 1,500 yen per hour – Now we demand 1,000 yen per hour anywhere”. On March 9, 2016, the guests for LaborNet TV were JIMBU Akai, an activist involved in the issue of youth poverty, and two plaintiffs in Kanagawa Prefecture, next to Tokyo, who filed an action for a minimum wage of 1,000 yen per hour or higher.  In the program, an urgent topic “Liberalization of the electricity market: Which shall we choose?” was discussed about how to say goodbye to electricity generated by nuclear power. (LabotNet TV Project)

3/9  レイバーネットTV放送~「最低賃金引き上げキャンペーン」を特集

さまざまな労組・市民が一緒になって「時給1500円これが常識!最低賃金引き上げキャンペーン」が始まっています。いま非正規労働者は全体の約4割になり、年収200万円以下のワープア労働者は1200万人と言われています。「フツーに働いてもまともに暮らせない」状況はもう放置できない。それには「最低賃金」のアップが必要です。キャンペーンのスローガンは「最低賃金時給1500円をめざして。いますぐどこでも1000円に」というもの。39日の番組ゲストは、若者貧困問題に取り組む神部紅さん、そして国を相手に「時給1000円以上に!最低賃金裁判」を提訴した神奈川の原告2名でした。また緊急企画「電力自由化どこを選んだらいいのか?」では、原発の電気からサヨナラするための会社選びを伝えました。ぜひアーカイブをご活用ください。(レイバー ネットTVプロジェクト)