Thursday, August 23, 2012

Great Success of Workers' Rally against Nuclear Power Plants, Aug. 12: Let's Put Labor Unions in the Center of the Struggle!

Seven labor unions including All Japan Dockworkers' Union, National Railway Workers' Union, Japan Construction and Transport Industry Workers Solidarity Union, National Union of General Workers and Tokyo Sanitation Workers' Union jointly held an anti-nuclear power plants rally in Tokyo in the afternoon of August 12.  1,260 people gathered at the venue, Tiara Koto, in Koto-ku. In the beginning of "Workers' Rally to Build the Society Free of Nuclear Power Plants, Aug.12," HIMENO Yozo who introduced himself as a 'singer-farmer' performed "Tsunagaru Inochi (life connecting with one another)" and a few other impressive pieces. ITO Akinobu followed with a proposal of fundamental principles for labor unions in practicing anti-nuclear power activities. Subsequently, KOIDE Hiroaki, an assistant professor at Kyoto University's Research Reactor Institute (photo), gave a lecture titled "Beyond the Reality of Radiation Contamination." "A 1-million-kilowatt nuclear reactor emits several thousand times more radiation than a Hiroshima-type atomic bomb. It is impossible for human beings to coexist with nuclear power plants," said KOIDE. "Since the worst ever disaster of March 11, 2011, it has been the responsibility for all of us to protect children that are much more vulnerable to the damages caused by radiation." Also pointing out that many labor unions had been supportive to the government and industry regarding the development of nuclear energy, KOIDE strongly appealed to the audience that unions should play central roles in the struggle in eliminating nuclear power plants. (By MT, Labornet Reporter)  DetailedReport with Photos  Archive Video (KOIDE's lecture, 2 hrs.,Japanese w/out subtitles)  HighlightScene of the Lecture (Why did I not become a pro-government academic?, 3 min.,Japanese w/out subtitles)  Photoby shinya (participants chanting slogans for solidarity)


8月12日午後、東京都江東区のティアラこうとうで全港湾労働組合、国鉄労働組合、全日本建設運輸連帯労働組合、全国一般労働組合全国協議会、東京清掃労働組合など7労組の共催で「脱原発社会をめざす8・12労働者集会」が開かれ、1260名が参加した。 冒頭「唄う農民」を名乗る姫野洋三さんが「つながる生命」など心に残る歌を披露。伊藤彰信氏が労働組合の脱原発運動の基調方針を提起した。その後、小出裕章(写真・京都大学原子炉実験所助教)さんが「放射能汚染の現実を超えて」と題して講演。100万キロワットの原発1基で広島原爆の数千倍の放射能を排出する原発は人間と共存できないと話した。 3.11で最悪の事故が起こった今われわれに課せられた責任は、大人と比べられない大きな被害を受ける子供たちをいかに守るかだと訴えた。また、多数の労働組合は原発を作るのに協力してきたが、廃絶に向けた闘いで労働組合が中心を担うことを参加者に強く訴えた。  (報道部・MT)写真詳報アーカイブ(小出裕章講演 2時間)ハイライト映像「なぜ御用学者にならなかったか」(3分) 写真「団結ガンバロー」(shinya

Yasukuni Candle Action: 400 Join Discussions on Post-War Japan since San Francisco Peace Treaty

The annual Yasukuni Candle Rally was held on August 11 at Toshima Kokaido in Tokyo. Some 400 people attended a symposium with a panel of academics and journalists from the mainland Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan and South Korea. The panelists, TAKAHASHI Tetsuya, KOSEKI Shoichi, ISHIHARA Masaie, Li Shiu and Tseng Chien-min, reviewed post-war Japan during six decades since San Francisco Peace Treaty took effect in 1952. "The San Francisco Peace Treaty laid the basis for the Japan-U.S. security alliance that has been a 'national polity' of post-war Japan. The alliance has a nuclear system within it that started with an illusion of 'peaceful uses of nuclear power.' Nowadays, some conservatives say that nuclear power plants have to be retained as it is a deterrent that can be converted into weapons. We must voice our opposition to such dangerous moves, " said TAKAHASHI. After the rally, the participants marched through busy quarters of Ikebukuro with candles in their hands, chanting "No Yasukuni!" slogans defiantly despite persistent and violent obstructions by right-wingers. (By M) Flash Photo Report Mkimpo's Photo Gallery  * Photo (Candle March led by war-bereaved families)


811日、東京・豊島公会堂で「ヤスクニキャンドル集会」が開催され、約400人が集まった。シンポジウムでは、日本・沖縄・台湾・韓国の学者、ジャーナリスト5人(古関彰一・石原昌家・李時雨・曾健民・高橋哲哉)が登壇し、サンフランシスコ条約発効60年を振り返るディスカッションを行った。 高橋哲哉さんは「サンフランシスコ講和は日米安保体制であり、それが戦後日本の国体になった。その安保は原子力平和利用の幻想のもとに始まった核システムでもある。現在、保守層の中から原発は核兵器に転用できる抑止力として必要という声が出ている。こうした危険な動きに対して声を上げることが必要だ」と述べた。 集会後、参加者はキャンドルを手に池袋の繁華街をデモ行進した。右翼の執拗な妨害があったが、参加者はひるむことなく「ヤスクニいらない」の大コールを上げた。(M 写真速報ムキンポ写真館 *写真=遺族を先頭にキャンドルデモ 

Friday Anti-Nukes Demonstration, Aug. 10: A 9 Year Old Spoke Up against the PM

The Friday demonstration against the restart of nuclear power plants has recently been better known and ever been well-attended. On August10, the last working day before the Bon holiday week, thousands of protesters flooded on sideways in front of the PM's Office, the main gate of the Diet Building and the rest of Kasumigaseki area. Various actions including chanting slogans, small gatherings and dances with drum beats took place simultaneously. In the rally held in front of the Diet's main gate, participants made speeches expressing their opposition to nuclear energy. Diet members ABE Tomoko of Social Democratic Party and SHII Kazuo of Communist Party, a self-proclaimed right-winger SUZUKI Kunio, students and lawyers were among them. One of the best received speakers was a 9-year-old boy who sharply criticized Prime Minister NODA Yoshihiko. "Nuclear power plants kill people. Human being are born to help one another. Prime Minister NODA does not have brains," he said raising a loud applause.  (By M)  Flash Photo Report  Video (speech bythe 9 year old, 3 min., Japanese w/out subtitles)  Photo Report by Shinya


「金曜デモ」はすっかり定着した。 810日も、お盆休み直前にもかかわらず、原発再稼動反対の人の波は、官邸前から国会正門前そして霞ヶ関一帯に広がった。 同時多発的に各所でコールや小集会、ドラム隊の踊りなどが繰り広げられた。国会正門前の集会では、阿部知子議員(社民)、志位和夫議員(共産)や自称右翼の鈴木邦男氏、学生、弁護士などさまざまな人が、次々に原発反対を訴えた。とくに9歳の少年がマイクを握り、「原発は人を殺すだけ。人間は人の役に立つために生まれてきた。野田総理は頭の悪い人間です」ときっぱり語り、大喝采を浴びた。(M

1,000 Rally against Osprey Deployment; Prof. TAKAHASHI Tetsuya give a lecture

The Tokyo Metropolitan Area Rally against the Deployment of Ospreys was held on August 5 at the Japan Education Center in central Tokyo with 1,000 participants. The rally was originally planned as a solidarity action with the mass protest planned in Okinawa for the day. Although the Okinawa rally was postponed due to a typhoon, the organizer of the metropolitan one went ahead with the plan, considering that raising voices in the capital was necessary. Models of a crashing Osprey and a dugong with "No Ospreys" written on it were displayed on the stage. Prof. TAKAHASHI Tetsuya, a philosopher and a peace activist, gave the keynote lecture. "There is a structure of discrimination against Okinawa under which the people there are forced to make an overwhelming sacrifice. Keeping silent about this structure means acting in favor of the discrimination. Let's voice our objection to the deployment of Ospreys as we do regarding the restart of nuclear reactors. Let's raise our voices in Tokyo to change the policy of the central government," he said. (By OZAWA Kuniko) Original report with photos  Photos by shinya


85日(日)東京・日本教育会館で、オスプレイの配備に反対する首都圏集会が開かれ、1000人が参加しました。当初「10万人沖縄県民大会と同時アクション!」として設定されたのですが、沖縄は台風の影響で延期。しかし首都圏で声を上げることが必要だと開催されました。 壇上には墜落するオスプレイの模型と、オスプレイ反対のジュゴンがかざられました。高橋哲哉さんが問題提起を行いました。「沖縄に圧倒的な犠牲が押しつけられる構造的な沖縄差別がある。沈黙は差別を容認することになる。今こそ、原発再稼働に反対するのと同じように、オスプレイ配備に反対する声を上げていこう。東京の政権を変えるために、声を上げよう」と話しました。 (尾澤邦子) 報告写真(shinya

Campaign against Resident Registry Network and Common Number System: Funeral-style Action Held in Central Tokyo

On August 5, 2012, the tenth anniversary of the operation of the Resident Registry Network, members of the "No! to the Resident Registry Network and the Common Number System" campaign conducted an awareness-raising action in Yurakucho, a business district in central Tokyo. Amid the heat of a summer afternoon, the participants, dressed in black, were holding banners one of which indicated that a funeral ceremony was being held. "The Resident Registry Network has proved to be money-sucking and useless, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is eager to introduce so-called Common Number System on top of it. Our personal information will be exposed to a greater risk in this system," said SHIRAISHI Takashi, the representative of the campaign. "Under the Common Number System, every national is given a single number with which all the personal information will be managed in an integrated fashion. We will have to show a card that carries the number in practically all scenes of daily life including work, health and nursing care. When information is leaked from such a centralized information management system, larger damages are caused. It has already been evident in Korea and the U.S. The public should be more aware of the fact that a bill about a dangerous system as this is being discussed in the current session of the Diet." (By M) Video (Interview with SHIRAISHI Takashi,Japanese w/out subtitles)


うだるような暑さが続く85日午後、東京・有楽町で「住基ネット・共通番号制はいらない」のキャンペーン行動があった。集団は黒ずくめで「告別式」の文字も見える。この日は、住民基本台帳ネットワークが稼働してちょうど10年目にあたる。キャンペーン代表の白石孝さんは「住基ネットは金食い虫で無駄だったが、それに加えいま総務省が導入しようとしている共通番号制はとても危険だ」という。「共通番号制が導入されると国民一人ひとりに新たな番号が振られ、就職・医療・介護などあらゆる生活の場面でカードの提示を求められる。全ての個人情報が一元化され、流出した場合の実被害は大きい。韓国・米国で実証すみだ。今の国会で審議が進む共通番号制のことを多くの人に知ってほしい」と語った。(M 動画(白石孝インタビュー)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Movement against nuclear energy, government escalates


   As the Japanese government and Prime Minister NODA Yoshihiro continue to ignore the public opinion against nuclear energy, the weekly protest at prime minister’s office in Tokyo is growing larger and people’s voices are becoming louder.On July 29, thousands of people gathered as usual in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, where the ministries are concentrated. Candles and flashlights in hand, demonstrators of all age range surrounded the Diet building in the evening as they shouted protest slogans to stop resuming nuclear plants. The police could not stop families, labor unions and other protestors flooding onto the streets (See photo). 

In the meantime, the weekly protest at prime minister’s office that usually calls against plants resumption turned into an action against appointment of new nuclear regulatory commission. The announcement of the committee chief, TANAKA Shunichi, showed that the Japanese government has not learned a lesson since the Fukushima disaster. Tanaka, known to be one of the “nuclear village” members, is one who voiced his opinion against compensating for those who evacuated on their own will. The public was also questioning the legitimacy of the committee since it should have been established before the government approved of the restart of Oi Plant.
Representing some 2,800 people who gathered for the action, members of four civil organizations submitted a demand to the Cabinet Office. “Decommission Noda Cabinet,” as one of the signs read, shows how Japanese citizens have long renounced Prime Minister Noda.

It is no longer only the citizens who speak against Noda’s decision. Some celebrities and even politicians from Noda’s Democratic Party of Japan has joined the citizens. As the weekly protest mounted, former prime minister HATOYAMA Yukio appeared at the demonstration on July 20 (See photo). “We have to cherish this flow of new democracy that you are creating,” Hatoyama said in heavy rain. “We can see how far apart the distance between the public voice and the prime minister’s office has become. As a former prime minister, I would like to deliver your message to the prime minister’s office right now.”
Hatoyama headed for the prime minister’s office across the street promising that he will convey to the chief cabinet secretary that the government should not restart any more plants. (By M)


7月29日、首都圏反原発連合主催の脱原発デモと国会包囲行動が取り組まれた。キャンドル行動が始まる午後7時前 には、国会正門前の歩道は身動きができないほどの人波になった。人々は、手に手にロウソク・ペンライト・iPad・蛍光板など光るものをもち、リズムをと りながら一時も休むことなく「再稼働反対」のコールを続けた。年配者から若者、そして家族連れと幅広い参加だった。労組の旗も多い。午後7時すぎ、あふれ る人波は自然に車道にあふれ出た(写真)。警察はカマボコ車を並べて「歩道に上がりなさい!」と警告を繰り返したが、人々の流れを止めることはできなかっ た。こうして午後8時まで正門前車道は「解放」状態になり、再稼動反対の声は国会に響き渡った。
 7月27日(金)の官邸前。「首都圏反原発連合」有志による官邸前抗議は29日国会包囲に集中するため休みだった が、「原子力規制委員会」人事に抗議する官邸前アクションが取り組まれた。この日も、国会周辺は鉄柵バリケードが張り巡らされ、物々しい雰囲気。参加者は 続々と増え国会正門にも広がり、2800人(主催者発表)に達した。抗議の焦点は原子力規制委員会の人事。とくに自主避難者への賠償にも最後まで抵抗した 「原子力ムラ」中枢の田中俊一氏に批判が集中した。また4団体が内閣府に要請書を手渡したが、対応したのは「守衛」。不誠実な野田内閣の姿勢に「野田内閣 を廃炉に」のプラカードが目を引いた。 
 7月20日の「原発再稼働反対!官邸前行動・金曜デモ」に、元首相の鳩山由紀夫氏(写真)が初めて登場した。「み なさんの新しい民主主義の流れをとても大切にしなければいけない。いま国民の声と官邸が余りにかけ離れてしまった。私は総理経験者として、みなさんの声を 官邸に届けたい。これから官邸に乗り込んで官房長官に申しいれる。再稼動は無理だし、やめるべきだ」ときっぱり述べた。この日は、どしゃ降りの雨模様だっ たが、参加者は途切れることなく官邸・国会周辺は人の波になった。国会正門前のファミリーゾーンは、家族連れでいっぱいになり、白いバルーンで埋め尽くさ れた。脱原発運動の勢いはもう止まらない。(M) 


Fight Against Unfair Verdict: 1,000 Gather to Support JAL Struggle

More than 1,000 supporters gathered in Tokyo on July 26 for 165 pilots and flight attendants who were unfairly dismissed at the end of 2010. Although the company was still in rehabilitation, JAL already saw record-high operating profit of more than 100 billion yen at the time and had fulfilled the restructuring target. The company’s forced dismissal of 165 workers was intended to bust the union, and it was threatening the aviation safety. (By KITA Kenichi)

 はねかえそう不当判決!~1000人の熱気に包まれた「JAL 励ます集い」

 7月26日、JAL控訴審勝利、7・26励ます集いが開かれた。主催したのは日本航空の不当解雇撤回をめざす国民 支援共闘などで、1000人を超える人々が日比谷公会堂を連帯の熱気で埋めた。日本航空(JAL、植木義晴社長)は2010年のおおみそか、パイロットと 客室乗務員(CA)あわせて165人を解雇した。会社更生中とはいえ、その時点で1000億円を超える空前の営業利益を出し、会社更生計画の人員削減目標 を超過達成していたにもかかわらず強行された解雇の背後に、組合つぶしの黒い意図があること、それが空の安全を脅かしていることが、この日の集い、特に原 告団によるノンフィクションの構成劇によって浮き彫りになった。(北健一)

TEPCO Wins Corporate Raspberry Award

 The first-ever corporate raspberry award of Japan, “Black Corporation Award,” went to Tokyo Electric Power Co. for its forged radiation levels and irresponsible labor management among other wrong doings. Besides TEPCO, nine other companies were nominated for the award for having failed to carry out good labor practices. Other companies include Watami, a bar/restaurant chain, Weather News Co and Fujitsu Social Science Laboratory. After having more than 100,000 accesses to the homepage, people chose Watami for the company with the worst labor practice. Watami and Weather News, as well as other companies, have had their employees either dying from excess work or committing suicide from work overload. (By MATSUMOTO Chie)

 第一回「ブラック企業大賞」に東京電力 「市民賞」はワタミ
 記念すべき第一回「ブラック企業大賞」には、東京電力が選ばれた。最近暴露された放射線量隠しや、危険な労働の管 理を下請け会社や派遣会社に託し、責任逃れをしているところなどが指摘された。東京都内で開催された「ブラック企業大賞2012」の授賞式で発表された。 「ブラック企業大賞2012」にノミネートされた企業は東電のほか9社。過労死や過労自殺を出した居酒屋チェーンのワタミや気象予報会社のウェザーニュー ズ、ITの富士通ソーシアルサイエンスラボラトリなどが候補にあがっていた。ノミネート企業のリストがウェブで公開された当日は10万件を超すアクセスが あり、その後もウェブ投票とともに、いろいろな声が寄せられていた。(松元ちえ)

No to Revising Public Assistance Act: Action Against Poverty at Prime Minister’s Office Begins

 Another action at prime minister’s office began in the evening of July 18. This time protesters are voicing their opposition against revision of Japan’s Public Assistance Act. Representative of Anti-Poverty Network, UTSUNOMIYA Kenji, pointed out that the people who are eligible for public assistance are not granted the service because of the government’s suppression to reduce the public spending. Only 30% of the people who should be on welfare receive the allowance in Japan, he said. Only 1.7% of Japan’s population is on welfare, compared to 9.7% in Germany and 9.3% in the UK.
“If the government continues to suppress the low-income citizens, we will face higher risk of having more people dying of isolated deaths or starvation,” Utsunomiya said. “We cannot allow the government to revise the act. The current government does not hear the voices of the people. The welfare recipients themselves must raise their voices.” (By M)

 7 18日夜、「反貧困」を訴えるもうひとつの官邸前行動がスタートした。冒頭、宇都宮健児さん(反貧困ネットワーク代表)がマイクを握った。「生活保護制 度の改悪が進められようとしているが、とんでもない。日本では本来保護を受けるべき人の7割が受けられていない実状がある。生活保護受給者の人口比では日 本は1.7%で、ドイツ(9.7%)・イギリス(9.3%)と比べても極めて低い。これをもっと抑制すれば、孤立死・餓死の多発が危惧される」と訴え、 「いまの政治は国民の声が届いていない。毎水曜の官邸前行動で、当事者が直接声を上げていきたい」と語った。(M)

Let Me Take Four Days Off: May Report


1. I plan to resign, but my colleague tells me that he was not able to exhaust his paid holidays before he resigned.
2. I landed this job as a trial hire. My contract says I get two days off a week, but I can only get Sunday. I also have to put in overtime every day and have no paid holidays.
3. I only get one or two days off a month. I can’t even go see a doctor even if I don’t feel right. I don’t have paid holidays either. I wish I could take at least four days a month.
4. I had a contract that offered two days off a week when I got this job, but I only get two days off out of two weeks, six days off out of four weeks. My boss tells me to take paid holidays if I wanted more days off.
5. My boss dismissed my request to take paid holidays that I had been scheduled to work. He said I should have asked in person. (NPO Labor Consultation Center)

 1、 退職するつもりだが、過去に辞めて行った同僚の話を聞くと、有給休暇の消化はできなかったという。2、トライアル雇用で入社。契約書には週休2日とあった が、実際には日曜日1日しか休みがない。毎日残業です。有給休暇もなく辛い。3、毎月1日か2日しか休みが与えられない。体調もおかしいのに病院にもいけ ない。有給休暇も無い。せめて月4日は休みたい。4、週休2日という約束で入社したのに、実際は隔週週休2日の4週6日だった。会社は「残りの日休みたい なら有給休暇で休め」という。5、休日出勤予定日の有給休暇申請の届出用紙をだしたが、部長から却下された。その理由が、「直接会いに来て、お願いしな かったから」と言われた。(NPO法人 労働相談センター)

500 Join Protest Against Osprey Deployment in Iwakuni

 Japan and U.S. governments forced deployment of Ospreys in Iwakuni Base, Yamaguchi Prefecture, on July 23, despite rising protest across Japan. Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda gave priority to low-level flight training rather than protecting citizens’ lives. More than 500 people gathered in Iwakuni, while people also carried out actions in Tokyo and Okinawa. 

 現地報告: 「オスプレイ陸揚げ・配備阻止 岩国大行動」に全国から500人

 日米両政府は、全国の反対の声を踏みにじり、7月23日山口県の岩国基地にオスプレイ陸揚げを強行した。野田政権は国民の安全より、オスプレイの日本上空低空飛行訓練を優先させた。地元岩国 市民は、「オスプレイ陸揚げ・配備阻止 岩国現地大行動」を呼びかけ、全国から500名以上の人々が結集し、抗議の声を上げた。東京と沖縄でも反対行動があった。