Labornet Japan is a network of citizens, unionists, activists, scholars and others from all walks of life to share information especially about rights and struggles in and outside of Japan. Established in 2001, the group now has more than 600 members, and the membership is growing. The English site introduces some reports shared on Labornet Japan website and other sources outside of Japan.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Together We Open Co-Op Diner in Devastated Region—Anonymous Rescue Team
This is a call to support our effort to open co-op diner. We plan to open a diner that is managed by people of the devastated region; that is to operate as a community center as well as providing meals; that is to become a space open to anyone; that is to act as a place for volunteers to gather in between their work in the open-kitchen, visits to temporary housing and help in reconstruction efforts; that is to support locals rebuild their lives; and that aims to lead to other diners like it. The first one is to be run by staff members of former evacuation center at Shizugawa High School in Minami-sanriku. We will work together slowly but surely just as we cleared the debris. Please help us gather donation. Check Anonymous Rescue Team (Nanashi-no-Shinsaikyuendan) homepage. Photo: Open kitchen.
「被災地に共同食堂を建設しよう」という呼びかけです。共同食堂のイメージは次の通りです。★被災者住民自らが運営していきます。事業体づくりをはかります。★食の提供とともにコミュニティセンターの役割をめざします。★社会的弱者・マイノリティーに開かれた場所をつくります。★炊きだし、仮設住宅訪問など救援・復興ボランティアの拠り所としていきます。★地域の協同した生活づくりを支援していきます。★第二、第三の「共同食堂」が被災地各地に広がっていくことをめざします。まず最初の共同食堂は南三陸町の旧志津川高校避難所スタッフが運営します。煉瓦をひとつひとつ積み上げるように被災地に共同食堂を一緒につくりましょう。「一煉瓦一万円基金」に参加してください。(名無しの震災救援団)・名無しの震災救援団HP *写真=炊き出しの様子
‘We Need No Nuclear Power Plants’ Calls Surround METI—1,300 Gather in Rain
I joined the human chain action on Nov. 1 at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As I ran up the stairs from the subway station, people were listening into the speeches by Actor Taro Yamamoto. Following his speech was the song by a girl group. Police control around the subway entrance area was strict because of the ministry officials returning home after work, they said. Although the police kept tight guard, the number of participants continued to grow, leading to a complete human chain surrounding the METI building. With umbrellas and rain coats, we held the banners and candles, and made noise with instruments. Though in the cold rain, everyone was cheerful. Solidarity was confirmed as we held our hands tight. Raising our tightly-held hands, we chanted, “No More Nuclear Plants.” The voices of 1,300 echoed in the rainy night, when only the lights from the METI building it the human chain. By Y.
More Than 300 Gather at Rally to Support JAL Unfair Layoff
Japan Airlines Co. laid off 165 employees at the end of last year. Of that, 148 filed a lawsuit and revealed how the company abruptly terminated their employment ignoring the four requirements to execute restructuring. The rally was held on Nov. 7 to support the struggles of JAL employees (See photo) in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. Total of 381 people gathered in support, including 68 crew and 313 trade unionists and others. The rally kicked off with a song of “We Shall Return to That Very Sky (Ano Sora e Kaero),” followed by lectures on the meaning of JAL struggles by the lawyers and proposal of the support network by the director. At the end, various support groups sent solidarity messages. (By NUGW Tokyo Tobu)
Evacuees by Choice Shall Be Compensated—Rights Rally in Tokyo
Some 200 people gathered in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward on Nov. 5 (See photo) to discuss the rights of the people who chose to evacuate from the areas not officially designated by the government. The Japanese government has not compensated the people who evacuated from outside of the 20 km zone. The evacuees by choice, however, have also been forced to live in financial difficulties and separation from families. Their rights to live have been violated. The participants at the rally called the committee to resolve disputes relating to nuclear disaster for resolution at an earlier date. People who are left behind in Fukushima Prefecture are also still suffering. Residents of Iitate and Watari district of Fukushima City also spoke of their troubled situation. (By Masanori Yumoto) See video on YouTube.
今すぐ「自主的避難者」への賠償を!~避難の権利集会 in東京
United with Casual, Foreign, Outsourced Workers
Unions in Aichi Prefecture carried out a joint action on Nov. 1 to confirm solidarity with casual workers and full-timers, foreign residents and Japanese, outsourced workers and outsourcing company workers. About 20 brothers and sisters of Aichi Rentai Union, Sasajima Day Laborers Union, Nagoya Fureai Union, All Toyota Union and ANU conducted a protest action against unfair labor practice at Shirogane Plating Co., which is outsourced by Toyota (see photo). Workers in disputes with Aishin and Denso also spoke at the action. We were glad to see the workers who stand opposite each other came together for this joint action, which continued onto the restaurant Kasumi, Tokyo Academy and Toyota Building. (By Aichi Rentai Union)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
“We can’t leave our children in the sea of flames” A three day sit-in of anger
On October 27, Fukushima Women against Nukes" started a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MITI). About 700 people gathered from Fukushima and nation-wide, with great enthusiasm. Participants wore buttons and held placards voicing their messages. SATO Sachiko made a strong appeal at the opening rally. “We, women in the Tohoku region, have kept and restrained our anger for seven months. And now we will take action and start a three day sit-in. Our children have been left in the sea of flames. As women and as mothers, we cannot allow this situation to continue. We owe it to our children to defend their future. We will sit-in with this conviction in our hearts and spread our voices all over Japan and the world. Let’s take the first step here towards regaining true happiness.” At 11 a.m., a delegation of 30 people met with the Ministry’s officials and urged them to terminate the nuclear power energy policy. 107 women from Fukushima are expected to participate in the sit-in. (By Rankiryu) PhotoVideo: Ustream
Blog: Fukushima Women against Nukes
10日27日、経産省前で「原発いらない福島の女たち~100人の座り込み」がはじまった。福島からそして全国から約700人が集まり、大変な盛り上がりとなった。参加者は、バッチやプラカードなど一人ひとりが思いをこめたグッズを身に着けていた。開会集会で佐藤幸子さん(写真)は、「東北の女たちは7ヶ月間沸々と胸の内に怒りを秘めてきた。そしていま3日間の座りこみとして行動を起こす。子どもたちは7ヶ月も炎の海の中に放置されてきた。母親として女として、命を未来につなげていく母性が許しません。この思いをこめて座りこみ、日本全国そして世界に輪を拡げ、本当の幸せを取り戻す第一歩にしたい」と力強く語った。午前11時からは、30名の代表が経産省担当官と直接交渉を行い、原発政策の廃止を強く訴えた。福島からは3日間で107名の女たちが参加する予定だ。(M) 写真速報 ・経産省交渉(ユースト録画/1時間) ・「原発いらない福島の女たち」ブログ ・(乱鬼龍)
4800 gather for National Youth Meeting Big Applause for Sony Union from Miyagi
On October 23, a National Youth Meeting for Decent Work and Humane Living brought 4800 participants to Meiji Park, Tokyo. A young member of the Sony Union from Miyagi Prefecture was greeted with big applause. “I was washed away by the Tsunami together with my family and my house.” he said. “Sony has laid-off the contingent workers. Please give warm support to our union.” There were also participants and reports from the Korean Youth Workers’ Union and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE). After the meeting, the participants walked along a nearby street, Omotesando, receiving warm cheers of support from the pedestrians. (YAMADA Shingo)
Photo: UE union from the US /Video: Labornet TV
10月23日、「震災だから」じゃすまされない!まともな仕事と人間らしい生活を!全国青年大集会2011は、東京・明治公園に全国から4800人の若者たちが集まり、大きく成功した。被災地でたたかっているソニー労組の若者が登壇するとひときわ大きな拍手。「家も家族も自分自身も津波で流された。さらには会社は非正規切りをしてきた。私達に大きな支援を!」と宮城のソニー労組は訴えた。韓国青年ユニオンやアメリカのUE労組(電気・無線・機械労組)も参加し、幅広い運動の報告がされた。集会後は原宿、表参道をアピールウォークし、沿道からがんばれの声援なども寄せられた。(山田真吾) 写真速報 ・集会動画(レイバーネットTV 3ch) *写真=アメリカUE労組
Called traitor for evacuating Parents from Fukushima testify at the Damage Screening Committee
The 15th meeting of the Screening Committee for Disputes Concerning Nuclear Power Damages was held on October 20 and two parents from Fukushima testified to demand the right to evacuate. NAKATE Seiichi from Fukushima City, whose family has already evacuated to Okayama, remains in Fukushima to serve as a representative for the Fukushima Network to Protect Children from Radioactivity. “There are different views on evacuation even among experts” he said. “But we, parents, are forced to make decisions on our own.” SHISHIDO Takako, who has evacuated to Sapporo City from Date City and is organizing the evacuees into a self support organization, reported, “We were called traitors for leaving Fukushima. But we had to evacuate for the sake of our children.” The Chair of the Screening Committee, NOMI Yoshihisa, concluded the meeting by saying, “We will discuss and solve the compensation problems of both -those who voluntarily evacuated and those who are still remaining in Fukushima.” (YUMOTO Masanori)
Video: YouTube
Victorious order from the Labor Commission Hankyu Travel Co. must bargain with the union
In April 2008, the Hankyu Travel Support Local of the Tokyo Tobu Union filed an unfair labor practice claim against Hankyu Travel Co. for refusing to bargain with the union. The union members were working at the Company as agency workers. The Tokyo Metropolitan Labor Commission handed down a ruling on October 21, ordering the company “to bargain in good faith with the union on working hours” and also to issue a written apology to the union stating that “the company will make sure that this practice will not happen again.” It was a complete victory for the union. (By SUGANO, Tokyo Tobu Union)
Photo: Victorious Local President SHIOTA on the left and union member, SAKAI
東京東部労組阪急トラベルサポート支部(HTS)支部は2008年4月、派遣先である阪急交通社の団体交渉拒否につき、東京都労働委員会(都労委)に「不当労働行為の救済申し立て」を行いました。そして本日10月21日、都労委はこの件につき「命令」(裁判でいう判決)を交付しました。都労委は、主文において、「阪急交通社は・・・労働時間管理に関する団体交渉に誠実に応じなければならない」と命令しました。そして、組合に対し「今後、このような行為を繰り返さないよう留意します」との謝罪文の交付を命じています。組合側勝利の命令です!(東部労組・菅野) *写真=勝利命令を喜ぶHTS支部塩田委員長(右)と境組合員
Labornet TV features TPP Gains only for the 1%
The 21st broadcast of Labornet TV on October 20 featured the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. The title of the special feature was “What is TPP? You will be a prey to the eagle if you don’t know” and the guest speakers were journalist, ONO Kazuoki and doctor, HONDA Hiroshi. Ono pointed out that “it is dangerous to let the market rule everything.” Showing charts, he said that “the people who are going to gain from TPP are senior bureaucrats and managers of big corporations and they are only 1% of the population. 99% of the people are going to lose and they are the unemployed, farmers, fisher folks, contingent workers, small and medium sized enterprises and people who want to defend their health and natural environment.” Doctor Honda said, “TPP would destroy the health care system which is already endangered. Only the rich would be able to receive good health care. Most of the people would be not able to get the health care they are getting now. TPP would become superior to domestic laws and the Constitution will disappear.” The staff members and audience in the studio were terrified by this remark. (M)
Archives: 86 minutes
得する人は1% 損する人は99%~「レイバーネットTV」でTPP問題を特集
10月20日のレイバーネットTV第21号放送では、いま話題のTPPを取り上げた。特集タイトルは「TPPってなに? 知らないうちにハゲタカの餌食」で、ジャーナリストの大野和興さんと医者の本田宏さんがゲストだった。大野さんは、「TPPで得する人は1%の高級官僚・大企業経営者・幹部だけ。損する人は99%で失業者・農民・漁民・非正規労働者・中小企業者・自然や健康を守りたい人などほとんどの国民」とグラフで示し、「すべてを市場にまかせることの危うさ」を指摘した。本田さんは「いまでも医療が崩壊しているのにTPPで壊滅してしまう。お金をもっている人だけがいい医療が受けられる。しかし、大部分の人は今までの医療も受けられなくなる」と語った。また「TPPは国内法より上になる。憲法はなくなる」との解説にスタジオも青くなった。アーカイブでご覧ください。(M) アーカイブ視聴(86分)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Stand up for eradicating poverty! Big anti-poverty rally in Tokyo
On October 16, 2011, a big anti-poverty rally was held at Hosei University in central Tokyo. Its theme was “Poverty exposed by the earthquake”. The rally consisted of three parts – a section of messages from disaster victims and disaster-stricken areas, thirteen workshops, and a symposium “What we need to survive”. All the messages were sufferings experienced by those whose relatives were killed by the tsunami, those who have been struggling to raise their children after having been fired from their workplaces, workers who are working at the troubled nuclear power plant with painful feelings, and former fishermen and farmers whose livelihoods were robbed from them. Lively discussions continued at the symposium about what to do next. Finally, all of approximately 600 participants stood up to “eradicate poverty” (photo). (M) Recorded in Ustream/Anti-Poverty TV
貧困なくそう スタンドアップ!~反貧困世直し大集会開かれる
10月16日、反貧困世直し大集会が東京・法政大学で開催された。テーマは「震災があぶり出した貧困」。被災者・被災地からのリレートーク、13の分科会、シンポジウム「生きるために必要なこと」の3つのパートにわけて進められた。リレートークでは、津波で肉親を失った人、仕事がなくなり解雇され3人の子育てで途方にくれている人、原発労働者の苦悩、漁業・農業が奪われた人など、被災地の深刻な実態が生の言葉で語られた。シンポジウムでは、「これからどうしたらいいのか」をめぐって会場を交えてディスカッションが続いた。最後に約600人の参加者全員で「貧困なくそう」のスタンドアップ(写真)をして閉会した。(M) 反貧困TV/ユースト録画
Listen to the 99%! Here’s a liberation square - “Occupy Tokyo” rally
On October 15, 2011, action was called for by UCHIDA Shoko, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC); MATSUMOTO Chie, LaborNet Japan; KAWAZOE Makoto, Tokyo Young Contingent Workers' Union; and AMAMIYA Karin, writer as a part of the “Occupy Wall Street! Occupy the Planet!”. The rally was held at a park in the Roppongi district, central Tokyo. There were surprisingly a large number of security policemen and news reporters, so the action drew much attention. Many of approximately 200 participants freely expressed their feelings. A university student appealed loudly, “It’s time to stop economic growth that sacrifices and exploits someone. It’s time to stop pursuing money. I’m angry!”. The gathering was also shown in real time in the United States by Skype, while curry and rice were given to the participants free of charge and some were playing the drums there. The park became a liberation square. This action has proven the potential that the movement of the 99% will expand also in Japan. (M)
– Video (LaborNet TV – English version) – Photos – YTN News, South Korea – Live video in New York – Globalpost (video) – Ustream (video)
10月15日、「ウォール街を占拠せよ!世界同時アクションin東京」の一つとして六本木・三河台公園で行動が取り組まれた。呼びかけたのは、内田聖子(PARC)・松元ちえ(レイバーネット)・河添誠(首都圏青年ユニオン)・雨宮処凛(作家)の4氏。驚くのは、公安警察とマスメディアが多いこと。注目度はバツグンだ。公園には約200人が集まり、一人ひとりが言いたいことを自由にアピールした。ある学生は「だれかを犠牲に搾取する経済成長はもうやめよう。金を求め続ける生活はもうやめよう。私は怒っている!」と叫ぶように訴えた。公園ではスカイプでアメリカとつないだり、手作りカレーを振る舞ったり、ドラムをたたいたり、自由な広場空間が一挙に生まれた。99%の運動が日本でも大きく拡がる可能性を秘めたイベントとなった。(M)・動画(レイバーネットTV英語版) ・写真報告 ・韓国YTNニュース ・ニューヨークのライブ映像 ・Globalpost(動画) ・ユースト録画(PARC)
European-style demonstration? 750 join anti-nuke “Drumming Demonstration”
750 participants in an anti-nuke “Drumming Demonstration”, which was held in the Shibuya district, central Tokyo on October 9, 2011, demanded the abolition of nuclear power plants and denuclearization by drumming and playing various instruments. One of the demonstrators, a 30-year old woman living in Tokyo, said, “I was a little nervous about participating in today’s march as many demonstrators were unlawfully arrested in the previous demonstrations. But I was able to express my feelings happily today without intimidation from the police”. Another demonstrator, a man in his 50s who was actively playing the flute, said, “I think we succeeded in expressing our wishes thanks to a small number of policemen, probably because of no loud music, so I suppose this march was similar to that in Europe”. (Johnny H) – Video (YouTube) * Photo: Mkimpo
10月9日東京・渋谷で行われた「怒りのドラムデモ」には、打楽器を中心にチャルメラ、ギター、指笛と、750人がそれぞれ思い思いのサウンドで、原発廃止や脱原発を訴えた。デモ後に参加者に話を聞いてみた。目黒区在住の30歳の女性は、「9月11日や23日に警察官によりたくさんの人が不当逮捕されたので、今日のデモに参加するのには少しの勇気が必要だった。ところが、警察官がほとんどいなく、嫌がらせもなく、楽しくアピールすることができた」。チャルメラを吹きっぱなしで疲れたと言っていた50歳代の男性は、「今日はずいぶんとアピールできたと思います。サウンドカーやアンプがなく、また市民参加型ということで、警察の警備も少なかったのでしょう。ヨーロッパのデモに近かったのではないでしょうか」と語っていた。(ジョニーH)・動画(YouTube) *写真=ムキンポさん
Socializing party of Japan’s “community unions” held in Aso, Kumamoto – Joined by 320 from 80 unions from all around Japan
A socializing party of “community unions” from all around Japan, which any individual worker can join, was held in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture in the southwestern island of Kyushu on October 1 and 2, 2011. The party, organized by the Community Union National Network every year, was joined by 320 members from 80 affiliated unions nationwide (photo). The party was supposed to be held in Yamagata Prefecture in the Tohoku district, but its venue was changed to Kumamoto due to the Great East Japan Earthquake causing serious damage in the district. At the party, UEDA Jun, chief executive of the Rengo Kumamoto Union and host of the party, delivered an opening address, saying, “The earthquake destroyed supply chains and seriously affected the Japanese economy. Systems only to pursue efficiency, such as a just-in-time system, are now questioned. It is time for us to create a society of solidarity, which is resilient and friendly to each individual”. (SAKAI Toru)
「コミュニティ・ユニオン」の全国交流集会 阿蘇で開かれる~全国から80団体・320人
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