Thursday, March 25, 2010

Labornet Annual General Meeting Held ~ All Attentive to Journalist Satoshi Tokairin’s Practical Lessons

On March 14, Some 45 people gathered at Labornet Annual General Meeting 2010 at Tokyo’s Doutouch. Satoshi Tokairin, journalist at Japan’s daily Mainichi Shimbun (photo center), gave a special lecture on “Intro to reporting.” “You can write whatever you think is important as your opinion on rallies even if it differs from other news reports. To make your stories not simply ‘reports’ but “journalism,” you have to focus on events perceived with your own eyes.” “What’s happening is what’s important. Try to be sympathetic to the cause.” “Try to catch lively expressions.” These were his messages. He also told of mishaps and stories behind the scenes as he is a professional journalist. The attendees were glue to his stories. After the lecture, participants discussed mainly Labornet TV. There were more young people at the meeting this year, and they offered vital opinions. Nearly 30 people stayed on for the party afterwards. (By M)


Urgent Call to Stop Job Interviews for Temp Workers ~ Japan Bar Association Demands Dispatch Law Revision

A rally to demand revision of Japan’s Dispatch Law was help on March 5 at Sohyo Kaikan in Tokyo to call for protecting the rights of the temp workers. Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is aiming to win agreement from the Cabinet on the Dispatch Law revision. However, the Social Democratic Party of Japan and the New Party of the government have been criticizing the proposed revisions by saying that the new proposals are backward from the “three-party agreement” reached with the Democratic Party of Japan when they were on opposition coalition. While some credit the proposals, others are concerned that the revisions fail to regulate the outsourcing companies. The proposals allow companies to require job interviews from temp workers even though the outsourcing companies have the hiring responsibilities. If job interviews are allowed, the companies that offer jobs would have to bear hiring responsibilities. (By Toru Sakai)


Migrant Workers in Japan Sing ‘We are the World’

On March 7, about 400 people gathered at Tokyo’s Hibiya Park for the annual March in March rally. Despite the rain, migrant workers from more than 15 countries such as Brazil, Peru, China, South Korea, Uzbekistan, the Philippines, Nepal, Indonesia, Senegal and the United States joined the event for the rights of foreign workers. The Japanese supporters sang and danced to Japan’s native Inu tribe and Okinawan music. A Japanese singer, Moeyan, led all the participants to sing “We are the World.” They danced to a samba rhythm and shared joys of being a part of multinational, multicultural society. (By Johnny H; Photos by Mukimbo)

「We are the World」を大合唱~15ヶ国以上の移住労働者が集う
 3月7日午後12時から、東京・日比谷公園小音楽堂で「奏でよう!移住労働者の声を!あつまれ!日比谷に!マーチ・イン・マーチ2010」が開催され、400人が参加した。あいにくの雨だったが、ブラジル、ペルー、中国、韓国、ウズベキスタン、フィリピン、ネパール、インドネシア、セネガル、米国ほか15ヶ国以上の移住労働者が参加し、日本からも支援者の合唱やアイヌ、沖縄などの音楽や舞踊で盛り上がった。もえやんのリードで会場参加者全員で「We are the World」を大合唱、またサンバのリズムで盛り上がり、多民族・多文化共生の喜びを笑顔で分かち合った。(ジョニーH)・ムキンポさんの写真

International Anti-Poverty Campaign “No-Vox” Holds Rally

Japan’s very first “No-Vox International Solidarity Forum” was held from March 1 to 7 in Tokyo and Osaka. About 50 people attended a symposium at Tokyo’s Meiji University on March 6. (See photo) “No-Vox” (International Network for the voiceless and have-nots) is an international group based in Paris working against poverty. It acts against social exclusion and fights to regain rights to live, while it seeks for new labor and social movements. Ann Boulle, No-Vox activist, introduced victorious cases they won when they stopped demolition of rental apartments and also a case where a woman could not return home because she could not pay hospital bills during pregnancy. “What we need is to unite our movement. Otherwise, we could not prevail in the neo-liberalism,” she said. (By Y)

 日本で初めての「NO―VOX 国際連帯フォーラム」が3月1日から7日まで、東京と大阪で開かれているが、6日、東京・明治大学でシンポジウムがあり約50人が参加した(写真)。「NO―VOX」(声なき者、持たざる者の国際ネットワーク)は、パリを拠点とした国際的な反貧困運動グループで、社会的な排除に抗する、生きる権利を取り戻す闘いと、非正規の労働運動を結び、新たな労働運動・社会運動の展望と可能性を探っている。NO-VOXの中心的活動家であるアニー・ブールさんは、出産費用が払えず病院から家に帰れないケースや、賃貸住宅の解体工事を阻止した闘いなど、いくつもの勝利の事例を紹介し、「私たちに必要なのは異なった運動がひとつになることだ。そうしなければ新自由主義に勝てない」と強調した。(Y)

We Want to Ask Japan’s Court House ‘What is Democracy?’ ~ ‘Kimigayo’ Third Lawsuit

On March 2, just before the graduation, school orientation season starts, a third lawsuit was filed on “Hinomaru-Kimigayo” in Tokyo. About 100 supporters and plaintiffs gathered in front of the Tokyo District Court. One social sciences teacher said at a press conference, “We have never been accused of refusing to stand up for the national anthem by parents or students.” “I want to ask the court. Is democracy only for the majority?” Other plaintiffs (like one music teacher) said, “Playing piano does not only mean to move your fingers. I could not possibly tell students or attendees of the ceremony to ‘sing Kimigayo’ by using my hands and body to play the song.” (By Masanori Yumoto) See video on UnionTube. Photo=Group of plaintiffs entering the District Court

 卒・入学式シーズンを目前にした3月2日、東京「日の丸・君が代」処分取消訴訟(東京「君が代」裁判)の第3次の提訴が行われ、東京地裁前には100名の原告、支援者が集まった。記者会見で原告代表の1人(社会科教員)は、「私たちは、君が代斉唱で着席した事で、親、生徒から抗議を受けたことはない」「私は裁判所に聞きたい!民主主義とは、多数者のためだけのものか」、また他の原告(音楽科教員)は、「ピアノを弾くということは、単に指が動けばいいということではない。『君が代』を弾くことを通じて生徒や式参列者にも私の手と体を使って『歌いなさい』ということは、私にはどうしてもできなかった」と語った。(湯本雅典)・動画(UnionTube) *写真=地裁に入場する提訴団

Friday, March 12, 2010

"No to Poverty, Yes to Solidarity" meeting held --- 500 participants from unions

On February 28, lawyers including attorney Keiichi Uchikawa and activist organizations held a "No to Poverty, Yes to Solidarity" meeting at the Naka Ward Office Hall, Nagoya. More than 500 people participated in heated discussion. The agenda included talks by Makoto Yuasa and Kenji Utsunomiya, messages from four parties concerned such as the plaintiffs of the "Free/Low Price Lodging Center" lawsuit, and appeals from 13 organizations. At this meeting, the participants agreed to work toward creation of Aichi Anti-Poverty Network in May. After the meeting, a spirited parade took place to a Toyota building in front of Nagoya Station. A lot of unionist joined from Women's Union, Sasajma Day Worker Labor Union, Nagoya Fureai Union, General Union, ATU, JMIU, Aichi Solidarity Union and other local union members. (Aichi Solidarity Union) (See the Aichi Solidarity Union website.)

 2月28日、名古屋市中区役所ホールで、内河恵一弁護士などの法律家や運動団体がよびかける「なくそう貧困、つながろう愛知集会」が開かれました。500人を超える人が集まり、熱気あるものになりました。集会は、湯浅誠さんと宇都宮健児さんの講演、「無料定額宿泊所裁判」原告など4組の当事者の発言、さらに13団体のアピールがありました。そして、5月に反貧困ネットワーク愛知の結成をめざすことが確認されました。集会後は、名古屋駅前通称トヨタビルまでのパレードが元気に行われました。女性ユニオン、笹日労、名古屋ふれあいユニオン、ゼネラルユニオン、ATU、JMIU、愛知連帯ユニオンなど地域のユニオンの仲間も多く参加しました。(愛知連帯ユニオン) ・愛知連帯ユニオンHP

Japan's non-regular employment is escape from law! -- Kansai rally against discontinuation of contracts with non-regular university faculty

On February 27, more than 120 participants attended a "Why Limited-Term Employment? Emergency Meeting against Contract Discontinuation of Non-Regular University Faculty" rally was held at the L-Osaka Hall. Personnel concerned reported how the on-the-ground situation was, followed by committed discussion on the actual situation of non-regular and limited-term workers spreading around the country, with particular focus on university faculties. Mr. Shigeru Wakita from Ryukoku University, who has been working on the issue for 25 years, gave the keynote. Mr. Wakita said, "Japan's non-regular employment is a conduct to escape law, and is against the six principles of labor law. As in Europe, it is important to introduce statutory regulations against limited-term employment. Japanese common sense means lack of world common sense. Non-regular employment lacks stability and fair treatment of workers. It is important to establish the principle of 'equal pay for equal work'" and, at the end, added request to labor unions concerning their tendency to design their activities by focusing on male regular workers. (J. Kimura at the Kansai News Reporting Section) (See the report on the rally executive committee's blog.)

 2月27日、エルおおさかで「なんで有期雇用なん!? 大学非正規労働者の雇い止めを許さない関西緊急集会」が開催され、全国から120人以上が集まった。当事者の現場から報告があり、大学を中心に、日本中に広がる非正規労働・有期雇用の現状に対して真剣な議論が交わされた。はじめに、非正規雇用の問題に25年間取り組んでいる龍谷大学・脇田滋さんが基調講演した。脇田さんは「日本の非正規雇用は、労働法の6つの原則に反する脱法行為である。ヨーロッパのように有期雇用への法的規制が重要なのではないか。日本の常識は世界の非常識、非正規雇用は雇用が不安定なうえに待遇が低い。同一労働・同一賃金の原則を確立することが重要だ」と講演、最後に男性正社員モデル中心の労働組合に対して注文を述べた。(関西報道部・JKimura) 報告・集会実行委員会ブログ

Save MediACT of South Korea! Director Kim Mi-re speaks volumes - Live available on the Internet

A support and solidarity event took place at MediR at Takadanobaba, Tokyo, on February 21, from 12:00 to 14:00, for MediACT that had been driven out of the Media Center at Gwanghwamun, Seoul at the end of January, as part of the media bashing by President Lee Myung-bak. The guest speaker was Mr. Kim Mi-re visiting Japan who had directed a documentary film "Weabak (Korean for sleep-out)". Like in Mr.Kim's case, MediAct had been a retaining element for Korean independent film making. The Q and A session was lively around the topic like the true nature of the recent attack by the Korean administration. About 20 participants also visited MediR Gallery. The interviewer was Mr. Yu Negoro, an auteur. The event was broadcast live and accessed from around the country. Photo: Kim Mi-re at the center, and Yu Negoro on the left.

 1月末に李明博政権のメディア運動つぶしによって、ソウル・光化門の映像メディアセンターを追われたMEDIACT(メディアクト)を応援・連帯するイベントが、2月21日12~14時に、東京・高田馬場のメディアールで開催された。ゲストは来日中のドキュメンタリー映画「外泊」監督のキム・ミレさん。キムさんの映画もそうだが、韓国独立映画制作の下支えをしてきたのがMediACTであった。そうした役割を果たしているMediACTの意義や、今回の政権による攻撃の本質などをめぐって、活発な質疑があった。ギャラリーにも約20名が参加した。聞き手は、映像作家の根来祐さん。イベントはライブ配信され、全国から視聴があった。 *写真=中央がキム・ミレさん、左が根来祐さん

We won't tolerate gutting of the radical revision of the Worker Dispatch Law! -- Emergency rally in the Diet Members' Building attracts 140 protesters

Summary of the Draft Law for Revising Part of the Worker Dispatch Law submitted to the Labor Policy Council on February 27 even shows some adverse revisions from the current. Far from radical correction, it is going backward. On February 19, in the upper house members' building, "2.19 Diet Members' Building Rally: We Want Solution at the Initiative of Policy Makers, We Won't Tolerate Gutting of the Radical Revision of the Worker Dispatch Law!" was held (see photo). The conference room was packed with 140 participants, and a number of new reporters came to collect material. Parties dispatched respective representatives such as Mizuho Fukushima DSP leader and Tokushin Yamauchi Upper House member from the DSP, Yoshio Yamashita from Japan Communist Party, and Hitomi Kudo from the Democratic Party of Japan. Furthermore, the unions forming the Joint Action for Radical Revision of the Worker Dispatch Law pointed out that the recent response of the Labor Policy Council indicates serious step back from the agreements among the three parties, namely the DPJ, DSP and PNP, and expressed an uncompromising attitude against it. (Nagasaki, Tokyo Tobu)

 2月17日労働政策審議会に諮問された「労働者派遣法の一部を改正する法律要綱」は、現行派遣法よりも改悪されている箇所すらあります。抜本改正どころか後退です。2月19日参議院議員会館で、「2.19緊急院内集会 政治主導で解決してほしい 派遣法抜本改正の骨抜きは許せません!」が開催されました(写真)。会議室があふれんばかりの140名の参加者で、多くのマスコミも取材に駆けつけていました。各党から、社民党の福島瑞穂党首、山内徳信代議士や共産党の山下芳生議員、民主党の工藤仁美代議士らも参加しました。また、<労働者派遣法の抜本改正をめざす共同行動>の各組合は、今回の労政審答申は、民主・社民・国民新党3党で合意した内容を大きく後退し、決して容認出来ないことなど問題点を厳しく指摘しました。(東京東部労組・長崎)

Refuse "employment, pension and settlement money", and we will refuse out-of-court settlement! - Chairperson Nihei Hisakatsu reports on the circumstan

for Solution of the JR Employment Rejection Issue attracted 4000 participants (according to the organizer). In his report on the circumstances, Chairperson Hisakatsu Nihei (see photo) clearly said, "The Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency has refused negotiation. Currently, the three ruling parties are working on a proposal for a solution. Out challenge is to have employment, pension and settlement money included in this proposal. I have a feeling that it is almost certain. If not, we'll refuse a friendly settlement. He added, "We are demanding 20 million yen per person for settlement money. Look, officials at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport get paid 30 million yen per yearly. The amount should not be impossible" and concluded, "The way to a solution is our solidarity among the four parties and four organizations. " At the end of the rally, as many as 100 among the dismissed and their families went up on the stage, with the photo of late Mr. Noriyasu Noda of the Kokuro Shizuoka Struggle Team attracting attention (see photo). No Diet members attended the rally. (M) (See the Joint Struggle Team website and animation from UnionTube.)

 2月16日、小雨降る中「JR不採用問題 解決へ!中央集会」が開かれ4000人(主催者発表)が集まった。情勢報告の中で二瓶久勝共闘議長(写真)は、「鉄道運輸機構が交渉テーブルを拒否した。現在は、与党三党が解決案を作っている段階。雇用・年金・解決金の三項目をこの解決案に入れさせるのが課題だが、必ず入る感触を持っている。もし入らなければ和解を蹴る」と明言。また「解決金では一人2千万の要求だが、国交省官僚は年収3千万もとっている。出せない金額ではない」と訴え、「4者4団体が分断されず団結することが解決の道」と結んだ。最後に100名に及ぶ被解雇者・家族が登壇したが、昨年亡くなった国労静岡闘争団・野田紀泰さんの遺影(写真)が目を引いた。なお国会議員の出席はなかった。(M) ・共闘会議HP ・動画(UnionTube)