I think this book covers a variety of topics. When people face trouble at work, when they thought they couldn't live alone, when they wish to get connected with others and do something, or when they look ahead to the future, the book is aimed at empowering them. Since 1990, when economic recession and income disparity became serious issues in the Japanese society, we have often felt anxious about or unsatisfied with ourselves for lack of ability to take action. This book was written with an aim for readers to utilize it to their advantage. Of course, there is a limit to what we could tell in each chapter, but we never wished for people to read it like a text book or some kind of ideology. We hope that readers will take it as a step to finding something new. (Exerpts from Postface by Ryota Sono) *On sale on July 21 at bookstores nationwide
この本はとても多彩な内容になったと思う。労働で困った時、ひとりでは生きていけなくなった時、つながりたい・何かやりたいと思う時、さらに先の行動や考えを目指す時。人が生きる中でぶち当たる様々なシーンに力を与えられるものを目指した。日本社会で経済不況と格差が深刻化した1990年代以降、私たちには不安・不満や「何もできない」というあきらめの気持ちが広がってきた。本書では、様々なシーンで誰もが自分から「使える」本を目指すことにした。もちろん、各項目で述べられたことには限りもあるので、教科書やセオリーのように読まれることは望んでいない。あとはみなさんがこれを踏み台にして新しいものを生み出して欲しい。(園良太・あとがきより) *7/21全国書店で発売