Sunday, May 29, 2011

250 gather for May Day in Koriyama Voices raised in support of survivors and saying “No to Nukes.”

On May 14th, 250 people gathered for the 82nd May Day rally to defend workers' rights, held at the Koriyama Teachers' Union Hall in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. The rally was attended not only by union members, but also by survivors of the nuclear and earthquake disaster, and citizens concerned about the nuclear crisis, reflecting the fact that “the nuclear disaster deprived people in Fukushima the right of existence, forcing them to be Hibakusha [radiation victims].” (SATO Kazuyoshi, Iwaki City councilor) YOSHIDA Masaki, who evacuated to Yamagata Prefecture with her son, advised a friend of hers, an organic farmer who lives 20 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, to evacuate, but the man replied, "Who is going to de-contaminate the soil, if I don’t?” Yoshida asked why the people of Fukushima had to bear the responsibility for the government's failures. ABE Toshihiro, President of the Azuma Branch of the Zenjiko (Automobile Transport Workers’) Union, pointed out that workers'  stress is near the limit, ”Workers really want to evacuate but cannot, because they will lose their jobs.” (by YUMOTO Masanori)
Union Tube

5月14日、働くものの権利を守る第82回メーデー集会が、福島県郡山市(郡山教組会館)で開かれ、250名が参加した(写真)。集会には、労働組合員だけでなく、原発震災被災者や反原発に関心がある市民も多く参加した。それは、原発震災が「人間の生きる権利を奪い、福島県民を強制的に被曝者にさせた」(佐藤和良いわき市議)現実の反映である。お子さんと山形県に避難している吉田優生さんは、原発から20kmのところで有機農業を営んでいる友人に避難をすすめたが、「私たちが除染をしないで誰がやるのか?」と言われたという。吉田さんは、そこまで福島県民が国から責任を負わされてることに、大きな疑問を提起した。労働現場からは、阿部利広さん(全自交吾妻分会委員長)が「避難したくても仕事がなく、できない。労働者は、本当は避難したいんです」と限界線上で働かされている現実を訴えた。(湯本雅典) ・動画(UnionTube) 

Matsuzawa’s lecture on “Nuclear Accidents and the Mass Media” Accusing the “Nuclear Village”

MATSUZAWA Hiroshi, the President of the Union Against Restructuring in the Fuji-Sankei Communication Group and former lead writer for Fuji-Sankei Group, gave a lecture titled "Nuclear Accidents and the Mass Media" on May 8th in Musashikosugi, Kawasaki City. The lecture was attended by more than 40 people and was broadcast live on Ustream, with 430 viewers. Matsuzawa spoke from his experience as a reporter covering TEPCO, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and producers of nuclear power plants, such as Toshiba and Hitachi.
He captured the attention of the audience by exposing the “nuclear village” -- the collusion of politicians, bureaucrats, power companies and plant producers. (A)
Photo: President Matsuzawa giving his lecture

5月8日に川崎市武蔵小杉で開催された、松沢弘・反リストラ産経労委員長(元フジサンケイグループ論説委員)の「原発事故とマスコミ報道」」(主催=市民連帯・神奈川)と題する講演会には、40人を大きく超える聴衆がつめかけ、立見がでるほどの盛況となった。ライブでネット中継されたユーストリームも430人が視聴、同時中継ランキングで一時、6位の高位につけるほど、大きな反響を呼んだ。松沢委員長は、経団連・エネルギー記者クラブ(東京電力などを担当)、通産省(現・経産省)記者クラブ、経団連・機械記者クラブ(日立製作所、東芝、三菱重工など原発メーカー等を担当)での取材経験をもとに、政治家、役人、電力会社、原発メーカー、マスコミの「抱合体制」を鋭く告発し、聴衆の関心を一気に引き寄せた。(A)  *写真=講演する松沢さん

Children want to eat healthy vegetables! 300 march at Nuclear Free Walk in Shiga

On May 8th, the Nuclear Free Citizens' Walk was held in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. Buddhist priests from the Nihonzan Myohoji [pro-peace Buddhist sect] in Tokyo attended the demonstration, which started from JR Otshu Station. There were speeches in front of the Prefectural office building and the participants marched an hour and a half along Lake Biwa to the Shiga Branch office of the Kansai Electric Power Company. By the end of the march, 300 people had joined. Children in the march chanted energetically in support of the children in Fukushima, “Children want to eat healthy vegetables! ” ”Children want to play baseball outside!” I also chanted in a loud voice to defend the future of children. I heard afterwards that these children were from a remote school in a mountain village near Fukui Prefecture and that there were 6 children attending the march out of the total 8 pupils of the school. (Y.K)


No Nukes demonstration filling the busy streets of Shibuya - - Abnormal suppression from the police

On May 7th, around 10 thousand people participated in a “Stop the Nuclear Power Plant” march in Shibuya, Tokyo, in a light rain. A previous rally held in Koenji on April 10 was attended mostly by young people, but this time there was more diversity, with more union members and senior participants. Many participants said they appreciated the Prime Minister's decision to stop operation of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant but that we should not slacken the reins. The march started at 3pm and the police came in between the sound truck and the demonstrators. The participants who wanted to walk and dance freely were stunned by the move. They repeatedly demanded that the police back off. Suddenly in the confusion, two protestors were arrested for obstructing police officers near Harajuku station. Despite such harassment, the demonstration was a success, filling the busy streets of Shibuya with live music and chants of “no nukes!” There was good coverage in the mass media including NHK TV news, which reported the no nuke demonstration as feature news for the first time. (M)
Union Tube:,Our Planet TV:,Photo: The demonstration filling the busy streets of Shibuya

5月7日、東京・渋谷で「原発やめろデモ」が行われた。小雨のなか約1万人の人々が集まった。高円寺デモは若者ばかりだったが、今回は労組や年輩者も加わり一層多様な広がりとなった。浜岡原発停止については「評価するが気を緩めてはいけない」という声が多かった。午後3時、デモが始まる。ところが渋谷警察はサウンドデモがよほど嫌いなのか、サウンドカーとデモ隊列の間に警察官を配置して分断してしまった。自由に歩き踊りたい参加者はビックリ。警察に何度も「どいてくれ」と抗議するシーンが続いたが、原宿駅近くで警官と参加者が入り乱れた時に、突然2名が「公務執行妨害罪」で逮捕されてしまった。こうした嫌がらせにもかかわらず、デモは大きな盛り上がりをみせ、渋谷一帯を音楽と「原発反対」のコールで埋め尽くした。NHKも初めてトップニュースで伝えるなど、マスコミにも影響を与えた。(M) 動画(UnionTube 逮捕シーンあり) ・写真報告(Y) ・動画(OurPlanet-TV)*写真=渋谷繁華街を埋め尽くしたデモ隊

Fukushima Network to protect children from radiation kicks –off

On May 1st, a meeting of the Fukushima Network to protect children from radiation was held in Fukushima City. The previous meeting drew 100 people, but this time 250 came. The first mission of the Network was to negotiate with the government on the next day. So a request to withdraw the new radiation safety standard of 20 milli-sieverts per year for children was confirmed at the meeting. The safety standard issue has become a hot issue even in the mass media, after Cabinet Secretary Advisor Kosako resigned on April 29th. The meeting was sort of a kick-off for negotiations with the government on May 2nd. The struggle to scrap the safety standard of 20 milli-sieverts is gaining momentum. (YUMOTO Masanori)
Union Tube:

 5月1日、福島市内(ホリスティカかまた)で「子どもたちを放射能から守るための集会が開催された。前回4月25日の集会は100名の参加であった。そして今回は、参加者が250名にふくれあがった。ネットワークの初仕事は、2日に行われる対政府交渉である。集会では、ネットワークとして政府(内閣総理大臣、厚生省、文科省、原子力安全委員会)に要求する「年20ミリシーベルト」基準の撤回を柱とした要請書も確認された。「20ミリシーベルト」基準については、4月29日の内閣官房参与の小佐古氏の辞任会見を機に、マスコミもとうとうこの問題を取り上げざるをえない状況になっている。本集会は、2日の対政府交渉の結団式ともいえる盛り上がりを見せた。闘いは、大きな局面を切り開きつつあるといえる。(湯本雅典) ・動画(UnionTube)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We Will Deliver Fukushima’s Soil to Ministry of Education and Science! ~Parents Stand Up

Some 200 people gathered at a study conference on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and the disaster titled, “Protect Fukushima’s Children from Radiation!” on April 30. Kazumasa Aoki of a group to think about aging Fukushima Plant, reported on many messages from parents in Fukushima Prefecture regarding the issue on 20 mSv level. “We can see their concerns and anger in the messages,” Aoki said at the conference, held at Tokyo’s Zensuido Kaikan.
Fukushima parents are ready to stand up for their children after they expressed their determination at a rally on May 1 in Fukushima to protect the children from radiation. Representatives from the prefecture were to gather on May 2 to demand that the government, Ministry of Education and Science and Nuclear Safety Agency revise the 20mSv level. “We will deliver soil from Fukushima schools to Ministry of Education and Science on the 2nd,” Seiichi Nakate, photographer and representative of Fukushima conference on reconstruction from the nuclear disaster, said. “We will not return to Fukushima until the government revises the level of radiation.” This is the time we must strive in the nation’s capital is questioned. (By Masanori Yumoto) See report & video on UnionTube.

 4月30日、「福島の子どもたちを放射能から守れ!」福島原発震災連続学習会が東京・全水道会館で開かれ、200人が集まった。集会では青木一政さん(福島老朽原発を考える会)から「20ミリシーベルト問題で、福島県内の保護者から非常に多くの書き込みが寄せられ、そこには、県民の不安と怒りが表れています」という報告があった。福島では5月1日、「福島で子どもたちを放射能から守るための集会」が開催され、いよいよ福島の親がたちあがる。そして、2日には県の代表が上京し、政府、文科省、原子力安全委員会、厚労省に対して「20ミリシーベルト撤回」をかかげ交渉がもたれる。中手聖一さん(写真、原発震災復興・福島会議世話人)は、「2日は福島の学校の土を、文科省に届ける!」「20ミリを撤回させるまで福島に帰らない」とその決意を語った。今こそ、この首都東京での闘いの真価が問われる時だ。(湯本雅典) 報告・動画(UnionTube)

Pay Compensation for Dismissing Temps ~ Verdict on Panasonic Eco-Systems

Nagoya District Court handed down a ruling on April 28 on a lawsuit filed by two plaintiffs from Aichi Rentai (Solidarity) Union against Panasonic Eco-Systems concerning unfair dismissals. The lawsuit lasted three years. The court ruled that the company violated trust by dismissing temp workers who were working hard just because it found replacements. “The company had committed an illegal act in dismissing the plaintiffs for no reason or fault after it forged occupation and led them to hope for stable positions,” the court said. It confirmed the facts presented and ordered the defendant to pay 1 million yen and 300,000 yen to each plaintiff for compensation.
(By Aichi Rentai Union) *Photo: Solidarity action at company building, chanting demand, “Pay compensation immediately.”

 愛知連帯ユニオンの原告2名がパナソニックエコシステムズと派遣切りの不当性を争っていた3年越しの裁判の判決が、4月28日に名古屋地裁でありました。判決では、「複雑な仕事に励んでいたのに、替りが見つかるや、だまし討ち的に派遣切りを行ったのは著しく信義に反する」、「職種を偽装して安定的な就労を期待させながら、違反が明らかになるや何の落ち度もない原告らを一方的に切ったのは不法行為」等、詳しく事実認定し、原告2名それぞれに慰謝料 100万円と30万円の支払いをパナソニックエコシステムズ社に命じました。(愛知連帯ユニオン) *写真=会社前で「さっさと慰謝料払え」と行動

Angry Farmers Rally at TEPCO with their Cows, Spinach

Two trucks loaded with cows and spinach parked by Tokyo Electric Power Co. in the afternoon of April 26, 25th anniversary of Chernobyl. Some 350 supporters and members of farmers unions of Fukushima, Ibaraki and Chiba lined up in front of TEPCO building. The tanned faces of farmers were looking serious and tense while media flooded to the rally. “I can’t forgive you for contaminating my rice paddy, TEPCO,” “No Moooooore of this,” “The complete safety was a lie,” “Give me back my cow and my land,” words on the panels expressed their anger loud enough. A group of representatives handed TEPCO a demand that the company pay victims of nuclear explosion for their losses. A worker in charge of the issue came out later and apologized. “I want you to broadcast the truth,” a farmer was telling NHK television crew. “You should air the program, ‘Truth revealed 20 years after the Chernobyl accident’ again.” (By M) See photo spot news & video on UnionTube.

 チェルノブイリ25周年の4月26日昼、東京電力前の道路は、牛を積んだトラック2台が横付けされ、ほうれん草が山と積まれた。福島・茨城・千葉の農民連のメンバーら250人と支援者あわせて350人が、歩道一杯に並ぶ。日に焼けた農民の顔は険しい。メディアも殺到した。「東電 俺げの田んぼ汚したな 許せね~」「モウがまんできんゾ」「安全神話はウソだった」「牛と土地を返せ」、プラカードのどの言葉にも怒りが煮えたぎっていた。代表団は、東電に「原発被害の損害賠償をただちに行え」と要請した。その後、東電の担当部長が、ビルから出てきて謝罪するシーンもあった。またある農民はNHK取材班に対して「真実の報道をしてほしい。“チェルノブイリ 20年後の真実”の番組を再放送するべき」と強く迫っていた。(M) 写真速報  ・動画(UnionTube)

Photo flash news: 4000 Joined in “4.16 No Nukes! Kansai Action”

Nearly 5,000 people gathered at Nakanoshima Park in Osaka for the “No Nukes! Kansai Action” on April 16, but the rally and demonstration were not reported in central Japan. Despite the gravity of public protest against nuclear power plants, mainstream media have not yet changed their stance. I decided to introduce anti-nuclear power plants actions on my blog for everyone to learn about them. I arrived at Labornet Japan homepage as I was checking other nuclear-plant-related sites. I hope my photo will help inform your readers. (By Kashihabara)

写真報告: 4000人が参加した「4・16 原発いらん!関西行動」
 4月16日「原発いらん!関西行動」(中之島公園)のこのデモには4000~5000人の方々が参加されたようでした。夕べ東京の先輩からメールがあり、関東では今回のこのデモは報じられていなかったそうです。これだけの事態になってもメディアの体質はなかなか変われないようだし、自分で出来る事をとにかくやろうと思い、ブログなどに反原発運動情報等をアップして、自分の目や周りで見聞きした信じられる情報を発信しようと思いました。原発関連でいろんなサイトを見ているうちに、レイバーネットにたどり着きました。何かの役に立てばと思い、写真を送りました。(柏原) 写真報告

Some 1,500 Walked in Protest against Nuclear Power Plant “Vegi Demo” in Shibuya

A “Vegetable Demonstration” was held in Tokyo’s busy Shibuya district on April 16 in protest against nuclear power plants. Ever since the TEPCO plants in Fukushima exploded, farm produces, vegetables and animals have been exposed to radiation. Farmers can no longer grow vegetables. Who drove them into this difficulty? Farmers in Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures, as well as a young man whose family farms in Fukushima, spoke at the rally. Nearly 1,500 people marched through town dressed up in vegetables and animals with children who wore anti-nuke masks. Humans, vegetables or animals, no matter what we are, we must create a society free of radiation and concerns over our health and safety. By Shingo Yamada, General Union of Young Workers in Tokyo; Photo by Y

 4月16日、東京・渋谷で反原発を訴える野菜デモがおこなわれた。福島原発が事故を起こして以来、農作物や家畜が危険な目に晒されている。農漁民は収穫することができず、生産活動を諦めなければいけない事態が起こったのはだれのせいだ? 茨城・千葉の農民、実家のある福島での苦境を訴える若者たちが集会で発言した。集会後の「野菜デモ」には1500人参加し、野菜や動物の仮装をした者や原発反対のお面をかぶった子どもも参加した。人間も野菜も動物も、放射能を心配せずに生きていける社会にしよう。(首都圏青年ユニオン・山田) ・写真(Y)

Come out, Ishihara! Protest at Tokyo Government against Governor’s Discriminatory Remark on Gays

People gathered to protest against discriminatory remarks on gays by Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara on April 16. The demonstrators marched from a park in Tokyo’s Shinjuku entertainment district. They walked on Shokuan-dori Street, where fans of Korean pop culture visit, and drew attention from the passersby and cars driving by. They stood out with rainbow flags and photos of Ishihara with a big cross over his mouth as they approached the main station. The signs read, “Sexual minority may be living next to you,” aside from the angry protest slogans. It’s true that Ishihara’s remarks are not only the problem he is blamed for. The Tokyo citizen’s consciousness is in question that allowed Ishihara’s re-election as a government. (By Ichihanahana)

石原出てこい! 都庁に向かって同性愛者差別発言に抗議デモ

Monday, May 2, 2011

Decommission 10 nuclear reactors in Fukushima now! 26,000 signatures filed to TEPCO and Cabinet Office

On April 14, 2011, a group of people demanding “decommissioning” of all of the ten nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan, filed 26,000 signatures to the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Cabinet Office. Furusho Toshiko, a member of the group, said after filing the signatures, “We tried to collect signatures after we had learned that Hara Masao, mayor of Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture demanded the company and Kaieda Banri, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry have the Fukushima nuclear power plants decommissioned. We residents in Tokyo are using electricity generated in Fukushima, 250 km north of Tokyo. We are also perpetrators. We would like to join hands with the local residents in Fukushima”. The group’s campaign has spread to Fukushima and all over Japan. The campaign messages have been translated into English and German, and some signatures have been sent to the group from overseas. More signatures are wanted and will be filed to TEPCO and the Cabinet Office in the week of May 9. At the meeting after the signatures were filed, there was a vivid report from Oga Ayako, a resident in Okuma Town, Fukushima Prefecture, in which the four troubled nuclear reactors are built. (S) – Video: Speech by Ms. Oga * Photo: Group members in front of TEPCO HQ

4月14日、福島原発の「廃炉」を求める有志の会は、東京電力と内閣府に「福島原発全10基の廃炉を求める」署名2万6千筆(第一次集約分)を提出した。提出後の院内集会で有志の会の古荘斗糸子さんは、「3月19日に原正夫郡山市長が東電と海江田経産大臣に『廃炉』を求めたことを知り、署名運動を思い立った。福島で作られた電気を東京の私たちが使っている。私たちは加害者でもある。地元と連帯したい」と語った。署名開始後、福島現地やその他の地域からも電話やメールが相次ぎ、運動は全国に広がった。英語、ドイツ語にも翻訳され、海外からも届いている。署名は引き続き募集中。連休明けには第二次集約分を提出する予定だ。また院内集会では、大熊町から避難した大賀あや子さんの生々しい報告があった。(S) ・動画(大賀さんの話) *写真=東電前に集まった有志の会

Supreme Court’s epoch-making decision to recognize nature as worker in the self-employed in terms of Labor Union Act

On April 12, 2011, the Supreme Court issued two landmark rulings to recognize nature as a worker in self-employed individuals in terms of the Labor Union Act. The decisions were for a case of Linux maintenance workers belonging to the All Japan Construction, Transport and General Workers’ Union, and that of a choir member of the New National Theatre, Tokyo belonging to the Musicians Union of Japan. The rulings are very encouraging for many workers who are obliged to work through individual contracting or subcontracting.(photo : Ms. Yaegashi,a member of Musicians Union)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

This is the power of youths! 15,000 joined anti-nuke demonstration in Koenji, Tokyo

On the afternoon of April 10, 2011, an antinuclear demonstration organized by “Shiroto-no-ran (revolt of laypeople)” recycle shop was held in the Koenji district, Tokyo, following another anti-nuke demonstration held at Shiba Park in Central Tokyo to demand the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant be stopped immediately. A small park near Koenji Railway Station, the starting point of the march, was soon flooded with participants whose number reached 15,000 according to the organizer. Nearly 90% of the participants were youths in their 20s and 30s, and most of them joined this kind of demonstration for the first time after having known it on the Internet. They were very enthusiastically opposing nuclear power plants, heating up the march with various placards and costumes and powerful music. The demonstration joined by a very large number of youths became groundbreaking in Japan’s social movement history. Matsumoto Hajime, the organizer, told reporters, “Something has begun. Otherwise, Japan will collapse”. The live stream broadcasting was viewed by more than 10,000. (M) Photo flash Video (UnionTube) Video (OurPlanet TV) 2,500 joined march at Shiba Park

4月10日午後、「浜岡原発すぐ止めて!東京集会&デモ」(芝公園)に続いて、東京・高円寺では「素人の乱」の呼びかけで反原発デモが行われた。駅近くの小さな公園には続々と人が詰めかけ、あっというまにぎっしり埋まり、歩道まであふれかえった。それでも人の波は止まらず15000人(主催者発表)に達した。参加者の9割近くが20~30歳代の若者。それも「デモは初めて。ネットで知った」という人ばかりで、「もう原発はいらない、何か表現しなければ」という必至の思いにあふれていた。思い思いのプラカードや飾り、衣装、そして強烈な音楽で集会デモはヒートアップした。多数の若者が一気に登場した高円寺デモは、日本の社会運動でも画期的な出来事となった。素人の乱の松本哉さんは「何かが始まった。いや、始めなければ日本は滅びる」と記者に語った。また、ユースト中継も1万人以上が視聴した。(M) 写真速報・動画(UnionTube)  ・動画(OurPlanet-TV)  ・芝公園にも2500名 

No nukes! Take responsibility for nuclear disaster! 350 gather in front of TEPCO and METI

At 2 PM on April 3, 2011, 350 people protested the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in central Tokyo. The majority of the demonstrators at the TEPCO headquarters were women. One of them carried a placard, saying, “Stop nuclear power plants. That’s what I want to say”. A young man, who was broadcasting live stream, said, “I’m doing this as the corporate media do not report it”. The majority of the media were international ones, but some Japanese TV stations, such as TBS and Nippon Television, sent their crews to cover an anti-nuke demonstration for the first time. Many demanded during the rally that the Hamaoka and other nuclear power plants be stopped. Pak Bo, a musician, made a live performance, expressing anger, “Stop nuclear power plants, contaminating the earth”. Then, the demonstrators continued their protest against the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. (M) Photo flash Video (UnionTube)

4月3日午後2時、肌寒い東京・内幸町の東京電力前で抗議行動が行われた。参加者は続々と増え、これまで最高の350人に達した。女性の姿が目立つ。「もう原発をやめてほしい。このことを直接訴えたくてきた」と手製のプラカードをもった女性。ノートパソコンを手にユーストリーム中継をしている若者は、「マスコミが伝えないから自分でやろうと思った」という。この日も圧倒的に海外メディアの取材が目立ったが、TBS・日テレが初めてテレビクルーを出した。集会では、浜岡原発の停止を訴えるマイクアピールが続く。朴保は路上ライブで「原発やめよう、地球が汚れている」と声の限り、怒りを表現した。参加者はそのまま経産省・原子力保安院前に移り、抗議行動を続けた。(M) 写真速報  ・動画(UnionTube)  

Why did my son die of leukemia? Live stream on “Radiation-Exposed Work” by CNIC

In the afternoon of April 2, 2011, Shimahashi Michiko, mother of Shimahashi Nobuyuki who died of leukemia at the age of 29 as a result of radiation-exposed work, talked about the work in live stream broadcasting from the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center (CNIC). She referred to the terror of exposure by which it takes several years before radiation-related diseases appear, leukemia and his employer’s cover-up. The anger of a mother who lost her son never disappeared even 20 years after his death. CNIC Video archive

4月2日午後、原子力資料情報室のユーストリーム会見で、放射線被曝労働の結果、白血病で29歳で亡くなった嶋橋伸之さんの母美智子さんが被曝労働について語った。数年かけて発病する被曝の恐ろしさ、白血病の苦しみ、会社の隠蔽工作。息子を奪われた母親の怒りは20年経っても消えることはなかった。本日18.30からは同サイトで「被災地/いわきからの声」を中継する。 中継サイト ・原子力資料情報室 映像アーカイブ