Tuesday, April 24, 2012

142 Former JAL employees appeal to Tokyo High Court to have their unfair dismissal withdrawn

The decisions that were handed down by the Tokyo District Court on March 29 and 30, 2012 are unfair and unacceptable as they ignore facts and evidence shown in the trials, and only reflect the argument of Japan Airlines management. A total of 142 fired JAL employees, who consist of 71 former pilots and 71 former cabin attendants, appealed to the Tokyo High Court on April 11 to have their unfair dismissal withdrawn. The plaintiffs held a press conference on the following day (photo) to request further support for their struggle. The 142 plaintiffs unite to win. (News for the Withdrawal of JAL Employees Unfair Dismissal)


3 29日と30日に出された東京地裁判決は、裁判で明らかにされた事実や証拠を無視し、会社の主張を丸呑みにした不当な判決であり、決して許すことはでき ません。この不当な判決に屈することなく闘い、不当解雇撤回を勝ちとるため、パイロット76名中71名、客室乗務員72名中71名、計142名の原告は、 411日に東京高裁に控訴しました。翌12日に記者会見(写真)を開催して、控訴の報告をするとともに、一層の支援を要請しました。原告142名は一丸 となって闘います。さらなる御支援をお願い致します。(JAL不当解雇撤回ニュース) 

Announcement of “Nuclear power plants ready to restart” infuriates demonstrators in front of Prime Minister’s Office

People gathered one after another in front of the Prime Ministers Office after 6 PM on April 13, 2012 to join a demonstration organized through TwitNoNukes in Twitter. The overwhelming majority of the 1,600 demonstrators were youths. Placards saying, Absolutely No to Restart of Oi Nuclear Power Plants, filled the space in front of the office. Many of the demonstrators expressed their views, including those who traveled approximately 500 kilometers (300 miles) from Kyoto, women who were unlikely to join this kind of demonstration, and those who participated in it for the first time. Their remarks were full of anger, saying, Why restart despite the devastation caused by the Fukushima disaster? Their anger reached boiling point when they heard the organizer say, It has been confirmed by the government that the nuclear power plants are ready to restart. Shame on you! Stop joking! The chanting of the 1600 demonstrators resounded around the Prime Minister' s Office. (M)


4 13日午後6時から、首相官邸前には続々と人々が集まってきた。「TwitNoNukes(ツイッター有志による反原発デモ)」が呼びかけた抗議アクションだ。若者が圧倒的に多い。「大飯原発の再稼働に断固反対」のプラカードが官邸前を埋め尽くしていった。集会はオープンマイク方式で、次々に参加者が マイクを握って思いをぶつけた。京都から来た人、「ふつうのおばさん」という人、こうした行動は初めてという人。「福島であれだけの事故を起こしてなぜ再 稼働なのか」、心の底からの怒りの発言が続いた。午後8時ごろ、司会者から「再稼働妥当を決定」の速報が伝えられると、それまでの怒りは頂点に達した。 「何考えてんだ!」「恥さらし!」「ふざけるな!」。怒号とヤジが止まらない。1600人に膨れあがった参加者の怒りが地響きになって広がった。(M

Osaka Mayor Hashimoto, listen to criticisms

HASHIMOTO Toru, the mayor of Osaka City who behaves as a dictator, should read the following articles carefully.
1.      Letter of AKAGAWA Jiro, writer, to Asahi Shimbun dated April 12, 2012 (photo).Its title is Mayor Hashimoto, do not coerce your views. Akagawa strongly criticizes Hashimotos encouragement of informing whether teachers are really moving their mouths to sing Kimigayo, Japans national anthem as dictatorship..
2.      Article in a flier written by YAMADA Hajime, a schoolteacher in Osaka
Yamada was reprimanded for not standing during kimigayo playing and was urged to convert at a disciplinary training session. He refused to sign an oath, I follow an order to sing the national anthem at graduation and entrance ceremonies from now on. As a result, his reemployment as a teacher, once confirmed, was revoked. Virtually, he was fired. He expressed his feelings in a flier that was handed to his colleagues at his resignation ceremony.


独裁路線をつっぱしる橋下大阪市長に、じっくり読んでほしい文章が次々に発表されている。ひとつは、412日朝日新聞「声」欄の作家・赤川次郎氏の投書 (写真)である。「橋下氏、価値観押しつけるな」のタイトルで、教員に対する「君が代」斉唱時の口元チェックを「密告の奨励」は独裁政治につきものと痛烈 に批判している。もう一つは、3月の卒業式の「君が代不起立」で戒告処分を受け、研修で「転向」を迫られた大阪の教員・山田肇さんの文章だ。山田さんは 「今後、卒業式、入学式の国歌斉唱の職務命令に従う」という誓約書に署名・捺印しなかった。そのため合格が決まっていた「再任用」を取り消された。事実上 の「クビ」である。山田さんは離任式で教職員にビラで、屈服できなかった思いをつづった。

“We need to live!” Davenroy workers resisting factory closure and dismissal

They dont understand anything. We requested a negotiation, but the executive director said he would call the police. Female employees of Davenroy Linen Supply, headquartered in Tokyo, expressed their anger one after another (photo). The cleaning company is unilaterally going to close its factory and dismiss the employees. The management solicited voluntary retirement of 120 employees on April 8 and 9, 2012. In response, members of the Davenroy Local of the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu and their supporters protested against the dismissal at Davenroys Omori Factory from early in the morning on both days. The demonstration rocked the factory. The union members demanded board members of the company to cancel the meeting on voluntary retirement and accept collective bargaining, but the management totally ignored the demands and forcibly started soliciting it. The factory is scheduled to be closed at the end of April.


「悔 しい、なぜわかってくれないのか」「体を張って話し合いを迫ったが、専務は警察を呼ぶと言った」、デイベンロイの女性従業員(写真)は口々に怒りをぶつけ た。東京・大森のクリーニング企業「デイベンロイ・リネンサプライ」では、いま一方的工場閉鎖・解雇攻撃がかけられている。48日・9日には会社が、 120名の希望退職説明会を強行したため、当該(東京東部労組デイベンロイ支部)と支援の労働者が、両日早朝から、大森工場構内に集まり抗議行動を展開し た。構内はデモとシュプレヒコールで揺れた。支部組合員はストライキを決行し、説明会会場に詰めかけ、役員に中止と団交を要求した。しかし、会社はこれを 完全に無視し、説明会を強行した。4月末の工場閉鎖を目前にデイベンロイのたたかいは重大な局面を迎えた。(М)

“Law to Support Victims of Nuclear Disaster” now!

On April 6, 2012, a meeting for an early enactment of a law to support victims of a nuclear disaster was held at the Diet Members' No. 2 Office Building of the Lower House in Tokyo, joined by 110 including citizens, residents in Fukushima Prefecture and lawmakers (photo). A resident in Minami-Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture said, We are forced to live in an abnormally high level of radiation. A mother of a high school student in Fukushima City said, High school students in Fukushima Prefecture are said to be necessary for reconstruction, but their lives have been totally neglected. This is the case of child abuse. NAKATE Seiichi, member of the Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation, said, The Japanese Government applies a separate safety standard to Fukushima Prefecture, which is 20 times more lenient than the national standard, making the prefecture lawless. It is necessary to strengthen a campaign for the legislation to support victims of a nuclear disaster not only targeting Diet members but also at the peoples level. (YUMOTO Masanori)
Video (YouTube)


4 6日、衆議院第2議員会館で「原発被害者を支援する法律の早期成立を求める院内
集会」が開かれ、市民・福島県民・国会議員など110名が参加した(写 真)。福島現
市の住民)、「福島県の高校生は復興になくてはならないと言 われながら、命を守
母親)、「福島県には、国の安全基準の20倍が当ては められている、いわば無法地
発言が相次いだ。原発被災者支援の立法化の動 きがいよいよ本格化する。今国会で

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tokyo teacher refuses to stand for national anthem Kimigayo: “There should be no coercion in schools”

Commencement  was held on March 22nd at Akiruno Gakuen, a special-needs school for disabled children. The Kimigayo Coercion Ordinance came into effect in Osaka last year, but in Tokyo teachers have been required to sing the National Anthem since 2003. At that time, more than one thousand teachers resisted by not standing up for the anthem,  but recently the number has decreased to one digit. This year TANAKA Satoshi, a teacher at Akiruno Gakuen, refused to stand for the second time; the first time was at the enrollment ceremony last April. Another well-known teacher resisting the coercion of Kimigayo, NEZU Kimiko, used to work at the same school.I was the only one in Tokyo Metropolitan schools to refuse to stand in the last years enrollment ceremony. I must continue the struggle in solidarity with teachers in Osaka who are fighting under pressure. I also want to tell the children that there should be no coercion in schools, commented TANAKA.  (SASAKI Yumiko)
Photo: TANAKA with NEZU Kimiko on his left.


動画(2分・田中インタビュー) 写真=不起立をした田中さん(左)と激励に駆けつけた根津公子さん(右)