Thursday, October 22, 2015

No to wage cut! 9th Strike at Zenyo

Zenyo Local of the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu, which organize workers at Zenyo Corporation that specializes in welding rails for JR (Japan Rail) companies and other private rail operators, waged a strike on 9th October. There was a support rally in front of the main office in Nerima, Tokyo and 140 workers including supporters from other unions gathered. This was the ninth strike since the wage demand started in this July. The company locked out the workers from 8 am to 4:30pm, setting up barricades and surveillance cameras.
The workers and supporters stormed the barricades and went on to the managers blocking the entrance door and pressed the union demands. (National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu)

賃金カットをやめろ!~10.9 東部労組全溶支部ストライキ抗議アピール行動を

 JRや私鉄各社のレー ル溶接を手がける株式会社 全溶(本社:東京都練馬区)の労働者でつくる全国 一般東京東部労組全溶支部は10月9日、朝からストライキに突入し、本社前抗議
140人の仲間が集まりました。同支部組合員は9日午前8 時から同日午後4時
上がりました。本社には作業員の大半 がストライキに入ったため、作業用ト
張り巡らしてバリ ケードを構築し、「立入禁止」と書かれた札を取り付けまし
たち作業員が寝ずに働いたおかげではないか」。バリケー ドは次々と破られ、
*動画 (10.9全溶ストライキ)

Reporting back from Atlanta Uchida Shoko on the TPP negotiations

After the news of the broad agreement on the TPP negotiation on 5th October, an emergency meeting of the Stop TPP Action in Front of the Prime Ministers Office was held on 6th October.  KOIKE Akira, a Japan Communist Party diet member, said Security bills will make Japan a subject state of the USA militarily, and TPP will do so economically. and FUKUSHIMA Mizuho, a Social Democratic Party diet member, said We will not allow TPP selling off peoples lives and agriculture. UCHIDA Shoko of the Pacific Asia Resource Center was just back from Atlanta and urged, Its only a broad agreement and not final. The Japanese government backed off at an early stage and then started to pressure other countries to make concession on the pharmaceutical issue, which is a life and death issue for poorer countries. The attitude of the Japanese government was pervert and inadmissible. The fight against TPP has just started. Each government has to seek approval of the people for ratification. Our struggle will be long and hard, but will intensify internationally.(M)


TPPの大筋合意が報じられる中、106日 夜、首相官邸前では「STOP TPP!!官邸前アクション」が緊急に取り組まれた。「軍事的に日本をアメリカの属国にするのが戦争法。経済的に
属国にするのがTPPだ」(小池晃議 員)、「命と農業と国民の生活を売り飛ばす
帰国したば かりの内田聖子さん(写真)がマイクを握った。「大筋合意と言っ
“早くしろ”と切れているのが日本だった。貧困層を抱 える国にとって薬の問題
したたかいはこれから。「各国の 議論や批准問題があり、反対運動はこれから

There will be no privacy! Opposition to the My Number system

A new social security and tax number system will start from January 2016 and a personal identity number will be allocated to everyone from this October. There was a rally held in Tokyo on 3rd October to oppose the introduction of this new system. 400 people attended the rally sponsored by Citizens’ network seeking to abolish social security and tax number system” and held in Miyashita Park, Shibuya. One of the twelve representatives of the network, SHIRAISHI Takashi, made the main speech. He has been called to meetings all over Japan and has spoken about the dangers of this system. Under this system, citizens will be able to apply for an identification card called “My Number” and if over 80% of the people gets the card, then everyone has to always carry the card. He said that there was a steady rise of interests in the new system, although many people are still unaware of the system. (Y)


マイナンバーの通知開始が目前に迫る103 日、東京・渋谷で制度に反対する集会とデモが開かれた。
白石孝さんから主催者挨拶があった。同ネット12人 の世話人の一人。「全員が
世界最悪の システムと言える。もし国民の8割がカードを受け取れば、その所持