On April 11, a rally and demonstration took place for the victory of the Hikari Seiko struggle in the city of Kuwana, Mie Prefecture. Hikari Seiko Co., Ltd., a components manufacturer affiliated with Toyota, has been practicing disguised contracting and external assignment. It is now under fire in a dispute over the unfair discharges of 36 workers from abroad in April last year. Forming a big and warm envelope for the Brazilian families including infants and young children, the pep rally was very hot and heartwarming at the same time. Aging of citizens' movements is a familiar phrase, anti-nuclear and pro-peace movement alike. By contrast, the labor movement is driven by the youth! It is only natural for workers' movement to be focused on economic struggles for bread for today. The day has also brought me a thought that we would have tremendous power if this young labour movement and peace movement supported mainly by post-retirement generations could come closer toward each other. (Izumi Miyanishi) See the webpage of Union Mie.
4月11日、光精工闘争勝利をめざす総決起集会とデモが、三重県桑名市で行われました。光精工は、トヨタ系部品メーカーで、長年にわたる偽装請負や違法派遣・偽装出向の末に昨年4月に外国人労働者36名が不当解雇され闘争中です。決起集会は、乳飲み子や幼児同伴のブラジル人家族を囲む輪は大きく暖かくものすごい熱気に、ほんわかと心があたたかくなる集会でした。市民運動は非核も平和も高齢化といわれます。比べて労働運動は若い! 労働者の運動が、今日の糧のために経済闘争を優先させなければならないのは当然です。そこを通り越してリタイアし、老境に入った世代の平和運動とが、もっともっとお近づきになれたら1000人力だとも思った一日でした。(宮西いずみ)・ユニオンみえHP