On June 28, 2009, 500 people came to a national symposium of the “TentCity”, held in the Asakusa district, Tokyo. Mr. Yuasa Makoto (photo),leader of the “city”, spoke to the audience for 30 minutes withPowerPoint. He suggested the current difficult situations, saying, “TheTent City visualized the reality of Japan and played a certain role toreverse the slippery slope society. However, the situation has beenrather worsened with more than 10 million people earning only maximum 2million yen a year and is far from being stable”. He made a proposalfor the future, “The Tent City movement was novel in the sense oflinking groups for consulting on troubles about life and labor groups.It will be important to spread such a common place for both of life andlabor movements”. Although the secretariat of the “Tokyo Tent City” was disbanded, ex-residents of the city continued a lively exchange ofviews about it at a party after the symposium. (M)

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