On July 31, the Anti-Poverty Network held a meeting to raise awareness of the Network’s policy challenges to aim towards a more humanistic society that does not allow poverty to further develop in the back drop of the upcoming election. The meeting was called Our Hopes for the Upcoming Election. Some 350 participants, including many members from the press, filled the Sohyo Kaikan auditorium at Ochanomizu in Tokyo. This meeting was called as the kickoff project to start the anti-poverty campaign in 2009. The program was substantial running for two hours and no intermission. There was an air of excitement as participants listened intently for the whole two hours to the compelling arguments put forward by the speakers, and each party’s diet member (Y, News Team).

総選挙を控えた7月31日、今度こそ貧困の拡大を許さず、人間らしく生きる社会をめざそうと、「反貧困ネットワーク」が政策課題を掲げる集会を開いた。名称はズバリ「選挙目前! 私たちが望むこと」。東京・お茶の水の総評会館に、多数の報道陣を含め、満員の350人が集まった。2009年の「反貧困キャンペーン」のスタート企画として呼びかけられた。休憩時間をとらない、2時間びっしりと組まれたプログラム。会場は熱気であふれ、参加者たちは、当事者の切実な訴えや、各党の国会議員の発言に、最後まで真剣に耳を傾けていた。(報道部・Y)
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